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CHAN Chin-ting#

Composer Chin Ting (Patrick) CHAN (b. 1986) has held faculty positions at the University of Missouri–Kansas City and Kansas City Kansas Community College. His music has been featured throughout the North and South Americas, Europe and Asia; at festivals such as the International Computer Music Conference, the International Rostrum of Composers, IRCAM’s ManiFeste, June in Buffalo and the Wellesley Composers Conference, among many others. His works are published with the ABLAZE Records, Darling’s Acoustical Delight, Melos Music, Music from SEAMUS, Navona Records/PARMA Recordings, the SCI Journal of Music Scores and Unfolding Music Publishing (ASCAP).

香港作曲家陳展霆,現居美國,其音樂作品著重於以聲音表達抽象視覺形式,以不同的角度探索兩種感官的聯系。他的創作範疇涉獵甚廣,除了發表大小型室樂及管弦樂作品外,也致力參與電子音樂及聲響設計的創作和研究,且屢獲殊榮,曾認可於維也納跨學科音樂節、ASCAP、美利堅獎、音樂教師國家總會、現代音樂協會、香港作曲家聯會、林耀基中國音樂基金會、中美現代音樂中心、新耳現代室內樂團、新音樂會社、Soli fan tutti作曲獎、WOCMAT 國際Phil Winsor電子音樂獎、新音樂推廣中心和維珍尼亞藝術中心。他更曾與世界知名的演奏團體合作,包括香港城市室樂團、香港創樂團、Ensemble intercontemporain、Ensemble Metamorphosis、ensemble mise-en、Ensemble Signal、eighth blackbird、Hypercube和Mivos Quartet,更於二十多個國家演出及廣播。他也曾獲邀參與多個重要的音樂節,包括IRCAM ManiFeste、國際電腦音樂會議和維斯理作曲家會議,其中更代表香港出席聯合國教科文組織國際作曲家論壇和ISCM世界音樂節。

陳氏現於美國鮑爾州立大學任作曲系助理教授。他曾就讀於聖荷西州立大學和鮑林格林州立大學,2014年於密蘇里大學(堪薩斯城分校)獲取音樂博士,在學期間主要師從著名作曲家陳怡、周龍、James Mobberley、Paul Rudy、Marilyn Shrude和Brian Belet。


Large Ensemble

  • Deform and Reform for wind ensemble – ca. 8' (2019)
    (picc, 2 fl, 2 ob, Eb cl, 3 cl, b cl, 2 bsn, 2 a. sax, t. sax, b. sax, 4 hn, 3 tpt, 3 trbn, euph, tuba, 4 perc)
    Commissioned by the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild

  • ​Qing Ming for SATB choir and piano – ca. 4’ 30” (2018)
    Commissioned by the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild

  • Dust Devil for chamber orchestra – ca. 6' (2018)
    (fl, ob, cl, bsn, hn, tpt, pno, strings)
    Commissioned by the Hong Kong Composers' Guild

  • ​Untitled for large chamber ensemble – ca. 5' (2018)
    (fl, cl, hn, perc, pno, vln, vla, vlc, db)

  • ​Falling Stars for wind ensemble – ca. 7' 30" (2016-17)
    (picc, fl, ob, 2 cl, b. cl, bsn, s. sax, a. sax, t. sax, b. sax, 2 hn, 2 tpt, trbn, euph, tuba, pno, 3 perc, db)
    Commissioned by conductor Caroline Hand and the Ball State University Wind Ensemble

  • Shadow Play for chamber wind ensemble – ca. 10' (2015-16)
    (picc, fl, ob, cl, b. cl, bsn, a. sax, t. sax, hn, 2 tpt, trbn, euph, tuba, 2 perc, db)
    Joint commission by conductors Michael Mapp (Washburn University Wind Ensemble) and William Perrine (Concordia University Ann Arbor Wind Ensemble)

  • time, unfolding for large chamber ensemble – ca. 10' (2014)
    (fl, cl, bsn, hn, perc, pno, 2 vln, vla, vlc, db)

  • Veiled Light for large chamber ensemble – ca. 8' (2013)
    (fl, cl, tpt, trbn, pno, 2 vln, vlc, db)
    (Alternate version: fl, cl, hn, perc, pno, vln, vla, vlc, db) (2014)

  • Apparitions - a fantasy for chamber ensemble – ca. 8' 30'' (2010-11)
    (fl, ob, cl, bsn, hn, tpt, trbn, 2 perc, pno, 2 vln, vla, vlc, db)

  • Fanfare for Brass and Percussion – ca. 6' 30'' (2009)
    (3 tpt, 3 hn, 3 trbn, 2 euph, 3 tuba, timp, 2 perc)
    Commissioned by conductor Jason Thorpe Buchanan and the UNLV Brass Ensemble

  • Symphonic Movements for orchestra – ca. 23' (2008)
    I. Lento
    II. Largo
    III. Grand
    (picc, 2 fl, 2 ob, 2 cl, 2 bsn, 4 hn, 2 tpt, 2 trbn, tuba, timp, 4 perc, hp, strings)

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