Born in Hong Kong, Lora Chow has emerged as a dynamic award-winning composer and coloratura soprano, captivating audiences with her innovative musical voice. Graduating magna cum laude from Yale University with a double major in Music and Economics, Lora's academic excellence laid the foundation for her multifaceted career. She further honed her compositional skills under the guidance of esteemed Hollywood composers, including Patrick Kirst, Lawrence Shragge, and Christopher Young.
Lora’s creative output spans a diverse range of genres, encompassing solo piano, vocal, chamber, and orchestral music. Her compositions have been played by prestigious orchestras such as the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestra della Toscana, Sofia Sinfonietta, and Budapest Art Orchestra, as well as performed by many renowned soloists and chamber musicians. Her scores are published by Universal Edition, and her piano works are released through the record label Prima Classic.
Lora has received numerous accolades, including the Chigiana Film Scoring Award for Best Storytelling, the CASH Music Fund, and the Cole Porter Fellowship in Music and Theater. Her achievements also include the Louis Sudler Creative and Performing Arts Award, the Curtis Recital Plate, the Katie Lees Award for Musicianship and the Anita Hewitt-Jones Composition Prize.
As the youngest singer in the Yale Schola Cantorum, Lora toured Europe, the U.S., and Asia with celebrated conductors such as Masaaki Suzuki and Simon Carrington. Her operatic roles include Cherubino in Le Nozze di Figaro with the New York Lyric Opera Theatre, Zelatrice in Suor Angelica at Operafestival di Roma, Second Lady in The Magic Flute at the Bethesda Summer Music Festival, Adina (cover) in L'elisir d'amore in Varna State Opera, Isabella in L’Italiana in Algeri and Mrs. Grose in The Turn of the Screw with the Opera Theatre of Yale College, and Asdrubale in Scipione Affricano and Speranza in L’Orfeo with the Yale Baroque Opera Project. Lora has also participated in masterclasses with notable figures like Maestro Helmuth Rilling and sopranos Sumi Jo, Olga Makarina, Camilla Tilling and Anna Shafajinskaia.
Lora sings as a Soprano Fellow with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and performs with Cantabile, a professional ensemble directed by Philip Chu. She is also a composer, vocalist, and keyboardist with the East-West fusion ensemble Fusicianz, showcasing her versatility as a musician.
In addition to her performance and compositional work, Lora plays an active role in the music community. She serves as the Vice-Chairwoman of SingFest, the Co-Founder of the Yale Alumni Chamber Music Society of Hong Kong, and the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Virtuoso Fiesta. She is also a member of the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild.
作曲家和女高音周曉晴畢業於耶魯大學,主修音樂和經濟,亦曾跟隨荷李活電影作曲家Christopher Young、Patrick Kirst 和 Lawrence Shragge 學習。周氏創作了眾多管弦樂、室樂、鋼琴、合唱和獨唱作品,也擅長融合中西樂器。她的樂譜由Universal Edition出版,鋼琴作品錄音由Prima Classic發行。周氏於2018, 2019及2024與香港管弦樂團擔任獨唱,並首演她的作品《喜悅・歡欣》、《同情》和《春臨大地》。她的電影配樂作品《諾丁山戀曲》由意大利Toscana管弦樂團專業錄音,廣受好評。另外,她的管弦樂作品《馬爾代夫》和《結婚禮物》在 2016年由保加利亞的索非亞交響樂團首演。她的二重奏《踏浪尋夢》和六重奏《深海華爾茲》分別在2023年和2017年的耶魯大學香港室樂社音樂會首演。
周氏曾是Yale Schola Cantorum最年輕的成員,隨著名指揮鈴木雅明和Simon Carrington到歐美和亞洲演出。她曾參與眾多歌劇演出,包括跟紐約抒情歌劇團飾演莫札特《費加羅的婚禮》的侍童凱魯比諾,在羅馬歌劇節飾演普契尼《修女安潔莉卡》中的教引嬤嬤,在耶魯歌劇團飾演羅西尼《阿爾及利亞的意大利女郎》的主角和布烈頓《碧廬冤孽》中的管家格羅絲太太,和在貝塞斯達音樂節飾演莫扎特《魔笛》中的第二侍女等。
周氏榮獲多個獎項,包括 Chigiana Film Scoring Award for Best Storytelling、CASH Music Fund、Cole Porter音樂與戲劇獎學金、Louis Sudler創意與表演藝術獎、Curtis獨奏獎、Edwina Hart歌唱大獎和Anita Hewitt-Jones作曲大獎。她師隨大都會歌劇院的女高音Olga Makarina,亦上過著名女高音曹秀美、Camilla Tilling、Anna Shafajinskaia 和 Maestro Helmuth Rilling的大師班。
(Updated in Oct 2024)
L’Acqua (2024)
The Notting Hill Finale (2024)
The Artists’ Playground (2024)
Awakening for Soprano/Piano/Harp and Orchestra (2024)
The Lost Inner Child (2023)
Sympathy for Soprano and Orchestra (2019)
Exsultate, Jubilate for Soprano and Orchestra (2018)
The Colours of Life (2018)
Maldives (2015)
The Wedding Gift (2015)
Symphonic Band
Commemoration: A Tribute to Maestro Lai (2024)
Strings Orchestra
Follow your Heart (2023)
Opera Arias
Sleepless Moon (2024)
Love At First Sight (2024)
Fluttering Heart (2024)
Ensemble with Chinese and Western Instruments
The Metropolitan Kaleidoscope of Hong Kong (2024)
The Flower Princess (2024)
Our Voices Rise In Song for Three Sopranos, Mezzo-Soprano and Piano (2024)
The Olympics Trio for Trumpet, Viola and Piano (2023)
Virtuoso Fiesta for Four Violins and Bass (2023)
Winter Septet (2023)
En Voyage for Clarinet and Piano (2023)
Piano Quartet “Friends” (2023)
Trauma-Bonded for Cello and Piano (2022)
The Wind from East to West for Flute, Clarinet, Violin and Piano (2019)
Sea Waltz for two clarinets, violin, cello and four-hand piano (2017)
Varna for flute, bass clarinet, marimba, violin, cello, double bass and piano (2015)
Sonata for Violin and Piano (2011)
Selig sind die Toten (2023)
Rhapsody on the Return of the Violin for Soprano and Violin (2023)
Paint my Shadow in the Sunlight (2023)
With Love, this Special Day (2021)
Fireworks (2021)
Can or Cannot? (2021)
The Moon’s Gaze Upon The Deep (2024)
Caprice (2024)
Wonder and Ponder (2024)
Happy 90th Birthday, Mr. Steiner!
Equanimity (2024)
Zen (2024)
Morning Dew (2024)
Fire in the Waves (2024)
Iceland Suite (2024)
Prescription (2023)
Steps Through the Darkened Path (2023)
A Wanderlust at the Parisi Udvar (2023)
Paracetamol (2023)
The One Season of Hong Kong (2023)
Love Yourself And Dream Big (2023)
Wonders of the Woods (2023)
To Heal is to Feel (2023)
Waterfalling (2023)
Bank Run Rhapsody (2023)
Love Knows No Boundaries (2023)
When Magic Happens (2023)
Ballet of the Stars (2022)
All I want for Christmas is Yoga (2022)
Light at the End of the Tunnel (2022)
Upside Down (2022)
Nazar (2022)
Prayer for Healing (2022)
Lesson (2022)
Blessings (2021)
The Un-lovable One (2021)
A Merry Little Christmas at Home (2020)
Together (2020)
Cul-de-Sac (2020)
A Midnight Stroll (2020)
The Angel of Light (2020)
Prayer for the World (2020)
The Coronavirus (2020)
Nostalgia (2015)
A Boy is Born (2007)
First Light (1996)
Kung Hei Fat Choy! (2021)
水色粼粼 (2024)
諾丁山戀曲 (2024)
藝術遊樂場 (2024)
春臨大地 (2024)
內心迷途 (2023)
同情 (2019)
喜悅.歡欣 (2018)
生命的色彩 (2018)
馬爾代夫 (2015)
結婚禮物 (2015)
銘刻心中 (2024)
心之所往 (2023)
蔽月無眠 (2024)
一眼便永恆 (2024)
心動 (2024)
都市萬象 (2024)
帝女花隨想曲 (2024)
高歌心願 (2024)
奧運三重奏 (2024)
演藝聯歡 (2024)
冬日七重奏 (2023)
踏浪尋夢 (2023)
創傷羈絆 (2022)
東風西漸 (2019)
深海華爾茲 (2017)
瓦爾納 (2015)
小提琴奏鳴曲 (2011)
福臨逝者 (2023)
小提琴的自白 (2023)
日光下的彩色影子 (2023)
這日結婚見證著你 (2021)
煙花婆婆 (2021)
可以嗎? (2021)
明月深眸 (2024)
隨性美 (2024)
深思.奇想 (2024)
壽比南山 (2024)
靜水深流 (2024)
禪心如水 (2024)
露韻清晨 (2024)
浪間烈焰 (2024)
冰島組曲 (2024)
藥方 (2023)
暗徑行 (2023)
巴黎庭院酒店 (2023)
止痛良方 (2023)
一季.香港 (2023)
自愛夢遠 (2023)
森林浴 (2023)
癒.感 (2023)
瀑布奔流 (2023)
崩盤狂想曲 (2023)
愛無邊 (2023)
奇幻時刻 (2023)
星空芭蕾舞 (2022)
聖誕瑜珈 (2022)
隧道末 (2022)
顛倒 (2022)
納扎爾護身符 (2022)
阿Mo代禱 (2022)
成長的一課 (2022)
幸福的恩賜 (2021)
不.可愛 (2021)
在家過聖誕 (2020)
同行 (2020)
掘頭路 (2020)
寂夜漫步 (2020)
天使燭光 (2020)
為世界祈禱 (2020)
新冠病毒 (2020)
心系往昔 (2015)
誕生 (2007)
初曉 (1996)