GWILT David (Honorary President)
David Gwilt is a key figure in Hong Kong’s classical music world. His achievements include composing, writing music criticism, presenting radio programmes, conducting and teaching for 25 years (1970 – 1995) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
In 1992, Professor Gwilt was awarded an MBE for services to music and the arts in Hong Kong, in 1996, a Fellowship of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, and in 1998 the title, Emeritus Professor of Music by the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
紀大衛在本港的古典音樂界享有重要的地位。 除了作曲以外,他也於報章撰寫樂評,在香港電台主持音樂節目,擔任指揮及曾於香港中文大學任教達二十五年(1970 – 1995) 。
紀大衛教授於1992年獲頒英帝國員佐勳章,以表揚他對香港藝術界的貢獻。紀氏並在1996年榮獲香港演藝學院院士名銜。 在1998年他被香港中文大學委任為榮休音樂講座教授,可算是實至名歸。
Céilidh (2001) 27'
Dances for Orchestra (1998) 13'30"
Fanfare (1991) 2'
Colloquium (1991) 12' for small orchestra
A Feastly Fugue (1988) 10'
Rondino (1973) 8'
March (1970) 5'
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra (1970) 15'
Symphony for Southport (1968) 30'
Sinfonia da Variazioni (1967) 21'
Athletics (1965) 14'
Movements (1962) 10' for brass, strings & perc
Dialogues (1960) 20' for fl, ob & string orchestra
Variations (1955) 14' for string orchestra
Orchestral (Chinese)
Symphony The Journey (1984) 25'
Scroll Painting Suite (1983) 8'30"
Concerto for Cello and Chinese Orchestra (1981) 31'
Fleeting Glances (1996) 10' for string quartet
Variations (1996) 10' for vn, vc & pf
Gambo (1995) 18'30" for 12 instruments & perc
Variants on an Original Theme (1991) 5' for fl, cl & pf
Nocturne and Aubade (1989) 8' for ob, cl, bass cl, vn, vc & pf
Festal Fanfare (1985) 1'15" for brass ensemble
Pied Piper (1984) 10' suite for wind band
Nocturne (1980) 8' for bass fl & pf
Arias with Recitatives (1980) 12' for vn & pf
Four Pieces (1978) 8' for 3 cl
Reflections on Themes of Schubert (1978) 8' for pf trio
Fantasy (1975) 8' for 2 vn & pf
Sonata (1975) 23' for fl (bass fl/picc) & pf
Dance (1973) 3' for fl
Circumambulation (1969) 5' for fl, ob & pf
Opuscule (1968) 9' for tp & pf
Four Skirmishes (1968) 8' for 3 recorders
Variations (1967) 10' for vn
Retrograde Steps (1967) 4' for double woodwind
Pieces for Eight (1967) 4' for 2 ob, hn, tp, 3 vn & pf
Diversions (1966) 8' for vn & pf
Andante Piangevole (1966) 6' for wind quintet & pf
Suite (1965) 10' for woodwind & brass; published by Novello
Andante and Allegro (1965) 4' for ob & pf
Sonata (1964) 10' for vc & pf
Comitato (1963) 6' for 3 recorders, vc & db
Sonata (1963) 10' for 8 hn
Sonatina (1962) 10' for bn & pf
Communications (1962) 10' for vn & wind instruments
Toccata with Fugue (1961) 8' for vc & pf
Clarinet Sonata (1961) 15'
Variations (1960) 13' for vc & pf
Sonata da Camera (1960) 10' for 2 vn & pf
Fugue above an Obstinate Bass (1960) 10' for winds, db & perc
Cantata sopra Basso Ostinato (1960) 5' for va, 2 vc & db
Rhapsody (1959) 8' for va d'amore & pf
String Quartet (1959) 25'
Fantasy (1958) 6' for string trio
Sonata (1958) 6' for string quartet
Wind Quintet (1956) 15'
Sonata (1955) 8' for fl
Violin Sonata (1954) 15'
Conversations (1954) 8' for 2 vc
Clarinet Sonata (1953) 15'
Horn Sonatina (1952) 6' published by Bayley & Feguson
Sonata for Piano Duet (1994) 13'
Four Simple Pieces (1988) 3' for pf
Recitative, Aria and Chorale (1988) 9' for organ
Three Verses (1988) 10' for pf
Counterpoint (1975) 4' for organ
Five Cats for Children (1972) 6' for pf; published by Hong Kong Composers' Guild, 1984
Two Pieces (1964) 4' for pf; published by Novello
Sonatina (1954) 6' for 2 pf
Variations (1954) 8' for organ
Vocal/ Choral
A Prayer (1996) 2' for SSAB
Etude for Choir and Organ (1991) 5'
Full of Love I-bound (1990) 10' song cycle for high voice & pf
Three Medieval Lyrics (1988) 6' for SATB
Three Pictures (1973) 8' for soprano, fl, bn, vn, vc & pf
A Song of Good Life (1961) 20' cantata for tenor, baritone, SATB & small orchestra; published by Novello
Fantasy Philips 6598979