LAI Nga-ting Ada
Ada Lai was Membership Secretary of the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild (2004-2008, 2012-2014) and Administration Secretary (2008-2012). While serving on the Guild Council, she launched the exhibitions and lectures presented in partnership with the Arts Resource Centre of the Hong Kong Central Library (2008, 2010, 2012) and the SOUND-IMAGination concert series (2012, 2013) supported by the Arts Development Council.
Her works have been performed at different international and Hong Kong music festivals including the Asian Composers’ League music festivals, ISCM World Music Days, and Musicarama. Memorable commissions included “Pulsating Resonance” written especially for the 60th anniversary celebration concert of her alma mater Chung Chi College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and “Songs of Bones and Dust” composed for the Melbourne Composers League (Australia) concert “Four Colours: Indigo”. Being the Hong Kong representative at the International Rostrum of Composers held at Paris in 2006 was another memorable experience in her career.
She completed her Bachelor of Arts (Music), Master of Music (Composition) and Master of Philosophy (Music Theory) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and graduated with a PhD in Composition from the University of Melbourne.
Ada is an ardent lover of domestic shorthair cats and a keen lawn bowler.
黎雅婷曾擔任香港作曲家聯會會員秘書(2004-2008, 2012-2014)以及行政秘書(2008-2012)。任內統籌的新項目包括與香港中央圖書館藝術資源中心合辦有關音樂創作及音樂創意教育的展覽和講座系列(2008、2010、2012),及由藝術發展局資助的《聲影集》音樂會系列(2012、2013)。
黎氏的作品曾於亞洲作曲家同盟音樂節、國際現代音樂節、及《音樂新文化》演奏。2012年獲母校香港中文大學崇基學院委約,為六十周年校慶音樂會創作了《心弦躍動》。同年亦應墨爾本作曲家聯會的邀請,完成委約作品《骷‧喚》。2006年代表香港參與在巴黎舉行的International Rostrum of Composers,獲益良多。
Puss in Mask (2021) for clarinet and cello
Sham Shui Po Reflections (2017) for pipa and cello
Studississimo (2016) for xiao, erhu, yangqin
Tramolo (2015) for cello and piano
Between Rage and Reconciliation (2013) for violin, viola, piano
The Four Seasons of FZK (2013) for violin, viola, piano
Songs of Bones and Dust (2012) for 2 violins, viola, 2 cellos
Pulsating Resonance (2012) for 2 violins, viola, cello, double bass
Soul Link (2011) for recorder quartet
Vibrissae (2009) for oboe/cor anglais, viola, bassoon, guitar
Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind (2007) for ruan ensemble
The Water Droplet (2007) for clarinet, violin, piano, narration
The Stars Are Not Wanted Now (2005) for violin, viola, cello, piano
Red Cliffs Reminiscence (2001, revised 2006) for clarinet, violin, cello, piano
Drinking Alone in Moonlight and Shadow (2001) for clarinet, violin, cello, piano
The Eternal Voyage (2000) for string quartet
Embrace — In memory of an old tree (2000) for woodwind quintet
Music for Oboe, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Bassoon and Piano (1998)
Labyrinth (1998) for 2 violins, viola, cello, double bass, piano
Three Pieces for Trombone and Piano (1996)
Instrumental Solo
Pax Animi (2018) for piano
Space Travel to the Twinkling Stars (2014) for piano
Vocal / Choral
Le rappel de l'arc-en-ciel (2008) for women’s choir and handbells solo
The Trees (1995) for soprano and piano
Work in Progress (2015) for speech choir (secondary school)
Yum Ngok Tong Herbal Tea (2014) for speech choir (primary school)
聆鈴叮叮 (2015) [1’30”]
for cello and piano
憤怒與和解之間 (2013) [4’30”]
for violin, viola, piano
豐子愷四季 (2013) [5’]
for violin, viola, piano
骷‧喚 (2012) [11’30”]
for 2 violins, viola, 2 cellos
心弦躍動 (2012) [5’]
for 2 violins, viola, cello, double bass
鬚靈 (2011) [9’]
for recorder quartet
鬚動 (2009) [8’]
for oboe/cor anglais, viola, bassoon, guitar
寒風擁韻浪 (2007) [7’30”]
for ruan ensemble
小水滴要回家 (2007) [11’30”]
for clarinet, violin, piano, narration
星星不要閃亮 (2005) [12’]
for violin, viola, cello, piano
Red Cliffs Reminiscence (2001, revised 2006) [10’]
for clarinet, violin, cello, piano
邀月 (2001) [12’]
for clarinet, violin, cello, piano
永恆之旅 (2000) [14’]
for string quartet
抱擁 ── 念一株老樹 (2000) [12’]
for woodwind quintet
Music for Oboe, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Bassoon and Piano (1998) [8’]
迴旋 (1998) [11’30”]
for 2 violins, viola, cello, double bass, piano
星遊記 (2014) [35”]
for piano
Blog of a Domestic Shorthair 1 and 2 (2006) [3’30”]
for clarinet and piano
Three Pieces for Trombone and Piano (1996) [8’45”]
聲樂 / 合唱
彩虹的叮囑 (2008) [8’]
for women’s choir and handbells solo
The Trees (1995) [2’]
for soprano and piano
音樂堂涼茶 (2014) [3’20”]
for speech choir (primary school)
工程進行中 (2015) [4’50”]
for speech choir (secondary school)