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LAM Kin-yee Gabriel

Lam is a contemporary composer and conductor, music director of 2 Proclaim Production, full member of the Hong Kong Composers' Guild Ltd., Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong. He was a electronic music lecturer of The Baptist Theological Seminary, and was a music lecturer of Full Time Worker Training Theological Seminary. Adjudicator of the «Schools Creative Music Showcase» at Arts Education Section CDI, EDB; one of the author of the «Chinese Symphonic Music Expo». 2012 as a inverted editor of “Chinese Christian Literature Council Ltd.”

Lam was an active conductor and arranger of varies school orchestras. He participated in different schools’ compositional schemes as an instructor. Recently, He focus in the conducting of different choirs, such as he was the conductor of “God With Us Assembly”, was the conductor and director of “Tun Mun Alliance church’s Choir”. 2005 became the reorganised conductor of “Christian Choral Society of Hong Kong”; he was the conductor and arranger of “The Chamber Orchestra of Evangelical Free Church of China”. 2004 became the conductor of “Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Kau Yan Church’s Choir” until now.

Lam had, for a number of years committed to composing, arranging and producing tapes and CDs for Christian organisations. "What Is Man" is one of his early compositions. His compositions had been broadcast through RTHK years ago.

林氏為當代作曲家及指揮、傳韻樂社董事兼音樂總監、香港作曲家聯會、香港作詞 家及作曲家協會正式會員。曾任浸會神學院電子音樂講師、整全訓練神學院之聖樂講師七年, 教育局之”學校音樂創藝展” 音樂評判多年。2008年為「中國交響音樂 愽覽」之專論作家。2012年任基督教文藝出版社特約音樂編輯。

林氏多年活躍於校園的指揮及音樂指導, 曾參與「創意縱橫-學校音樂創作計劃」及「國際現代音樂節現代音樂教育推廣計劃」。先後擔任多間中, 小學之駐校藝術家 (作曲導師), 管絃樂團指揮、導師, 編曲及敲擊樂導師等。此外林氏亦致力於在基督教音樂團體及教會聖樂團隊的指揮工作。他曾擔任「神同在使團」的指揮及「屯門宣道會青森傳歌」指揮及音樂顧問; 2005年起為「基督精兵聖樂團」的復團指揮至今; 曾任播道會港福堂室樂團指揮及編曲。2004年一月起, 林氏成為「基督教香港崇真會救恩堂聖詠團」的指揮至今。

林氏的作品曾接受香港電台第四台之專訪與轉播, 並在本港及海外交流。


Orchestral (Western)

Millennium Enigma (2000) 11'20"
Mountain and Stream (Symphonic Poem) (1997) 10'10"
     for Western orchestra with Chinese woodwinds, sheng, pipa & perc

Chamber (Western)

The Untamed Ocean (1998) 10'40"
     for fl, cl, bs cl, hn, tp, timp, perc, vibraphone, hp & pf
Voyage (1996) 8'50"
     for fl, cl, bn, tp, hn, perc, timp, vibraphone, hp, vn, va, vc & db
Catastrophe (1996) 7'20"
     for fl, ob, hn, bs cl & pf
String Quartet No. 1 (Airborne) (1995) 6'30"
Shadow of Dance (1995) 5'
     trio for cl, vc & pf
His Wondrous Love (1991) 6'
     for fl, ob, cl, vn, vc, pf & organ
Sonatina 1 (1985) 7'50"
     for vn, alto fl & hp
True Love (1984) 5'45"
     pf duet for 4 hands
Supersonic Dews (1981) 9'20"
     for fl, 2 synths, vibra, perc, tp, alto sax & 2 pf

Chamber (Chinese)

Ye Lou Qiu Yue (1997) 7'
     for xiao, sheng, zheng & pipa

Instrumental Solo

Romance on E (1997) 6'
     for pf
Children's Collection (1996) 5'30"
     4 pieces for pf
Three Chinese Folk Tunes (1979) 7'45"
     for pf
Three Pieces of Two-Part Invention (1978) 10'30"
     for pf

Vocal / Choral

Tempestuous Night (1996) 5'20"
     for tenor & pf
Response - Suite (1995) 23'
     5 songs for mixed choir & pf
True Love (1983) 4'20"
     for mixed choir & pf. or for mezzo-soprano & pf
Hope of Love (1982) 4'30"
     for mixed choir & pf
DORAEMON Series (Cantonese Version)  (1982) 18'30"
     4 pieces for children's choir & pop band
Christmas Dream of Tung Tung and He He (1980) 11'15"
     children's musical suite
Psalm 66 - Fugue (1979) 9'05"
     for mixed choir a cappella
Yang Chun (1976) 5'08"
     for mixed choir & pf

Electronic Music

Electro Dragon (1998) 8'10"
     for tp, jazz drum set & tape
Glacier Hawk (1998) 6'50"
     for pipa & tape
Xiao Fantasy (1997) 7'30"
     for xiao & tape


Dreams of Centennial Dinosaur (1998) 11'15"
     for Chinese woodwinds, zheng & tape, with modern dancers & lighting
Jubilation of a Fairy Mountain (1997) 8'
     for Chinese perc & tape, with 4 modern dancers & lighting


Soaring Across the Sky (1998)
     13 contemporary Christian music arrangements
Lord, Dwell in My Heart Forever (1989)
     for solo voices, mixed choir & chamber orchestra
I Want to Love You More (1989)
     for solo voices, mixed choir & chamber orchestra
What is Man? (1986)
     for solo voices, vocal & instrumental ensemble
O Lord I Love You Dearly (1985)
     for solo voices, mixed choir & chamber orchestra
Do you Love The Lord? (1983)
     for solo voices, mixed choir & chamber orchestra
DORAEMON Series (1982)
     for children voices & pop band
Christmas Dream of Tung Tung and He He (1980)
     for solo voices, harmonica, fl, pf & synth
Door of All Blessings (1979)
     for mixed choir, pf & organ

Major Publications

Choral Selection of Youth Hymn (for mixed choir & pf). Hong Kong: China Alliance Press, 1989.
Door of All Blessings (for mixed choir & pf). Hong Kong: Gospel Communication Centre, 1979.

管弦樂 (西樂)


千禧懸謎 (2000) 11'20"

山水賦 (交響詩) (1997) 10'10"

     for Western orchestra with Chinese woodwinds, sheng, pipa & perc

室樂 (西樂)

觀滄海 (1998) 10'40"

     for fl, cl, bs cl, hn, tp, timp, perc, vibraphone, hp & pf

航 (1996) 8'50"

     for fl, cl, bn, tp, hn, perc, timp, vibraphone, hp, vn, va, vc & db

天災 (1996) 7'20"

     for fl, ob, hn, bs cl & pf

飛舞 (1995) 6'30"

舞之影 (1995) 5'

     trio for cl, vc & pf

祂的妙愛 (1991) 6'

     for fl, ob, cl, vn, vc, pf & organ

第一號小奏鳴曲 (1985) 7'50"

     for vn, alto fl & hp

真愛 (1984) 5'45"

     pf duet for 4 hands

超頻露珠 (1981) 9'20"

     for fl, 2 synths, vibra, perc, tp, alto sax & 2 pf


室樂 (中樂)

夜樓秋月 (1997) 7'

     for xiao, sheng, zheng & pipa



E 浪漫曲 (1997) 6'

     for pf

兒童鋼琴小曲四首 (1996) 5'30"

     4 pieces for pf

中國民謠鋼琴短曲三首 (1979) 7'45"

     for pf

鋼琴二部創意曲三首 (1978) 10'30"

     for pf


聲樂 / 合唱

古夜驚魂 (1996) 5'20"

     for tenor & pf

回轉 (1995) 23'

     5 songs for mixed choir & pf

真愛 (1983) 4'20"

     for mixed choir & pf. or for mezzo-soprano & pf

愛之願 (1982) 4'30"

     for mixed choir & pf

八寶叮噹 (1982) 18'30"

     4 pieces for children's choir & pop band

東東嘻嘻聖誕夢 (1980) 11'15"

     children's musical suite

詩篇六十六 (1979) 9'05"

     for mixed choir a cappella

陽春曲 (1976) 5'08"

     for mixed choir & pf



電子戰龍 (1998) 8'10"

     for tp, jazz drum set & tape

雪嶺飛鷹 (1998) 6'50"

     for pipa & tape

幽洞玄蕭 (1997) 7'30"

     for xiao & tape


龍武紀夢 (1998) 11'15"

     for Chinese woodwinds, zheng & tape, with modern dancers & lighting

靈山鼓興 (1997) 8'

     for Chinese perc & tape, with 4 modern dancers & lighting



長空飛渡 (1998)

     13 contemporary Christian music arrangements

主永活在我心 (1989)

     for solo voices, mixed choir & chamber orchestra

我要更愛你 (1989)

     for solo voices, mixed choir & chamber orchestra

人算什麼 (1986)

     for solo voices, vocal & instrumental ensemble

主啊, 我深愛你 (1985)

     for solo voices, mixed choir & chamber orchestra

你愛主嗎? (1983)

     for solo voices, mixed choir & chamber orchestra

八寶叮噹 (1982)

     for children voices & pop band

東東嘻嘻聖誕夢 (1980)

     for solo voices, harmonica, fl, pf & synth

萬福之門 (1979)

     for mixed choir, pf & organ



《青年聖歌合唱選》(for mixed choir & pf). Hong Kong: China Alliance Press, 1989.

《萬福之門》(for mixed choir & pf). Hong Kong: Gospel Communication Centre, 1979.

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