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TAM Lok-hei Alvin

Born and raised in Hong Kong, Tam is currently a D.M. Candidate (Composition) at Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University. He holds a B.A. in Music from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and later earned an M.Mus in Music Theory and Composition from New York University. 

Tam’s music highlights a variety of genres, including contemporary classical, electro-acoustic, multimedia scoring, and religious music. As a recipient of numerous awards and commissions, he was granted opportunities to collaborate with many renowned music groups, such as the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Manhattan Symphonie, the American Guild of Organists, The Hong Kong Children’s Choir, JACK Quartet, and Cassatt Quartet. 

He was a former Associated Instructor at Indiana University and is currently an Instructional Assistant at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

譚氏現正為美國印第安納大學積可斯音樂學院作曲博士候選人。他先後在香港中文大 學以級紐約大學獲得藝術學士及音樂碩士學位。 

香港和美國皆是譚氏作品演出的活躍場所。除了在就讀大學所合作的獨奏者與樂團外, 他還多次與知名表演團體合作;JACK 弦樂四重奏、Cassatt 弦樂四重奏、美國管風琴 師協會,香港兒童合唱團、曼哈頓交響樂團、香港管弦樂團等團體均有演出過其作品。 



List of Compositions 1 


Wabi-Sabi (2023) [12’] 

3333, 4331, Perc, Harp, Piano, Strings 

A Madman’s Diary (2020) [5’30”] 

3333, 4331, Timp, Perc, Harp, Piano, Strings 

Zone (2019) [5’30”] 

3333, 4331, Timp, Perc, Harp, Piano, Strings 

All Keys Make Music (2019) [2’30”] 

for concert band 

Cursed Color (2015) [11’] 

3233, 4331, Timp, Perc, Harp, Piano, Strings 

A Fairy Tale from the Heart (2008, Re-Orch. 2012) [4’30”] 

for chamber orchestra


Hong Kong Snapshots (2022) [9’30”] 

for solo organ 

The Ocean of Revolve (2022) [6’30”] 

for clarinet and piano 

First You Look So Strong, Then You Fade Away (2018) [7’] 

for solo clarinet 

If Possible《如果可以》(2018) [4’] 

for treble voice choir (SSAA) and piano 

Duo for Pipa and Violin (2018) [7’] 

for pipa and violin 

Sonata for Viola and Piano (2015) [11’] 

for viola and piano 

Ballade ‘Messenger of Sakura’ (2014) [6’] 

for solo piano 

Infinite Transmigration (2014) [7’] 

for string quartet

Rap-So-Dominic (2013) [5’] 

for melodica, clarinet and cello 

The Four Gentlemen (2012) [10’] 

for solo piano 

Undertones at the End of Time (2012) [8’30”] 

for four voices, piano, percussion and strings 

An Illustration to the TaiJi Diagram (2012) [10’] 

for dizi/shao, erhu, zheng and yangqin 

Le Jardin des Roses Ensanglantées (2011) [6’30”] 

for piano quintet 

The Funeral (2011) [7’] 

for erhu, clarinet and piano 

Dance For 3 (2011) [6’] 

for melodica, violin, cello, harp and piano


The Breath of Water (2020) [9’] 

for programed controllers live performance 

Glorianthemica (2019) [9’30”] 

8-channel fixed media 

What If He Was Born 2018 (2018) [8’] 

for violin, live electronics 

Multimedia Scoring 

Follower and The Followed (2018) 

Eyes of Plan 9 (2018) 

The Lonely Civilization (2017) 

The Last Lament (2017) 

Did My Heart Fly To Your Service (2016) 

Introducing Dorabot (2016) 

Reminiscence (2016)

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