TSANG Lok-yan
TSANG Lok-yan received her Master’s degree (MMus, Composition) with Distinction at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), and Bachelor of Music in Education (Contemporary Music and Performance Pedagogy) from the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) in 2018. TSANG is also the certificate holder of distinction in LRSM in Piano (2016), distinction in Grade 8 Violin of ABRSM (2014), merit in Grade 8 Theory (2012). TSANG is a member of the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Limited (CASH).
Being enthusiastic in composing, TSANG’s works have been performed in Hong Kong, the United States and Costa Rica. TSANG won the third prize at the New Generation 2016, a competition hosted by the Hong Kong Composers' Guild (HKCG) and RTHK4. Being the Chairlady of EdUHK Composition Society, TSANG is active to join different composition competitions and activities of call-for-scores. TSANG was the champion of Artistic Excellence Award (Composition) from EdUHK in 2017 and 2018. She was one of the three winners of the Tennessee Valley Music Festival - Young Composers' Forum 2017. Her work, Ballade Purple, was performed by the Huntsville Youth Orchestra and Orquesta Sinfónica del Mar in the summer of 2017. Her composition, Cupid and Psyche, was featured in “Match Making Concert 2018: Emerging Composers x Emerging Performers” organized by HKCG and RTHK4. Tsang has received her recent commissions from Hong Kong Composers’ Guild and Musicus Society. Her choral work, The Lord Will Send His Mercy, was published in The Hong Kong Children’s Choir 50th Anniversary Children’s Choral Songbook in 2018. Recently, TSANG was honored to be selected to take part in the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Composers Scheme 2019/20 presented by Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra.
曾氏熱心創作,其作品曾於香港、美國及哥斯大黎加發表。二零一六年,曾氏在香港作曲家聯會及香港電台第四台合辦的《音樂新一代》作曲比賽中獲得季軍。曾氏於二零一七年獲邀出席美國阿拉巴馬州亨茨維爾音樂節的青年作曲家討論會,其作品《敍事曲紫》更由當地青年樂團及來自蓬塔雷納斯的樂團公演。曾氏的原創作品《邱比特與賽姬》獲選於香港電台第四台的《創藝匯新聲 2018 - 創‧演青年音樂家》音樂會上首演。曾氏最近獲香港作曲家聯會及垂誼樂社委約作曲,其合唱作品《耶和華必施憐憫》在同年於《香港兒童合唱團50周年兒童合唱作品創作選得獎作品集》出版。曾氏最近入選香港管弦樂團的「何鴻毅家族基金作曲家計劃」。
SALEM-ILC 35th Anniversary Theme Song 南亞路德會沐恩中學三十五週年校慶主題曲 (2019) for Full Orchestra
Premiered by SALEM-Immanuel Lutheran College Orchestra on 9th July 2019 @ School Hall, SALEM-ILC
Conducted by Mr. Wu Kiu-lap, Woody
Symphony in Purple 紫 (2019) for Full Orchestra
Premiered by Academy Symphony on 18th January 2019 @ Concert Hall, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
Conducted by Prof. Sharon Choa
Capriccio "Snow" 雪之隨想曲 (2017) for Full Orchestra
Premiered by Hong Kong Community Philharmonic Orchestra on 30th September 2017 @ The Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre
Conducted by Mr. Lee Yik-chung
Ballade "Purple" 敍事曲「紫」(2017) for Full Orchestra
Premiered by EdUHK Orchestra on 10th March 2017 @ EdUHK C-LP-11 [Hong Kong]
Conducted by Dr. Leung Chi-hin
Performed by Huntsville Youth Orchestra on 8th June 2017 @ Tennessee Valley Music Festival - Young Composers' Forum 2017 (TVMF 2017) [The United States of America]
Conducted by Mr. Joseph Lee
Performed by Orquesta Sinfónica del Mar on 15th July 2017 [Central America]
Conducted by Mr. Jorge Siliézar
Breeze 微風 (2016) for Full Orchestra
Premiered by HKIEd Orchestra on 26th February 2016 @ HKIEd C-LP-11
Conducted by Dr. Leung Chi-hin
Practice Makes Perfect 熟能生巧 (2019) for Cello Solo
Premiered on 25th November 2019 @HKAPA Recital Hall
Cello: Chow Kung-chi, Aron
Capriccio "Snow" 雪之隨想曲 (2014) for Piano Solo
Premiered in April 2015 @ HKIEd C-LP-03
Piano: Tang Suet-man
Theme Song for SALEM-Immanuel Lutheran College 30th Anniversary
Premiered in November 2013
Piano:Tsang Lok-yan
Dreaming (2011) for Piano Solo
Grace (2011) for Piano Solo
Premiered in August 2011 @ ILC Hall
Piano: Tsang Lok-yan
Large Ensemble
Stormy Sea 驚濤駭浪 (2019)
for 2 Flutes, 1 Oboe, 1 Horn in F, 1 Bass Clarinet in Bb, 1 Soprano Saxophone, 1 Alto Saxophone,1 Tenor Saxophone and 1 Baritone Saxophone
Premiered on 29th May 2019 @ The Rehearsal Room (CR1), Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Flute I: Cheung Wai-ki
Flute II: Ho Pak-yin
Oboe: Chan Hiu-ying
Horn: Leung Nim-cho
Bass Clarinet in Bb: Chung Chun-hung
Soprano Saxophone: Ng Yuen-kwong, Vincent
Alto Saxophone: Li Sen-fung
Tenor Saxophone: Chan Wing-yin
Baritone Saxophone: Mak Cheuk-wing
Conducted by Dr. Wong Tak-chiu
Dorian Dance (2018)
for Chamber Orchestra
Premiered by Washington and Lee University Chamber Orchestra on 15th November 2018 @ Wilson Concert Hall, Washington and Lee University
Conducted by Dr. Christopher Dobbins
Rabbit Dance 兔之舞 (2018)
for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Trumpet, Strings and Piano
Premiered on 4th May 2018 @ EdUHK C-LP-11
Performed on 5th June 2018 @ The Rehearsal Room (CR2), Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Flute: Cheung Wai-ki
Oboe: Chan Hiu-ying
Clarinet: Chan Hin-man Trumpet: Lo Long-yin
Piano: Tsang Lok-yan
Violin: Chan Hok-man
Viola: Lee Lai-man
Cello: Chen Hegao
Double Bass: Ho Man-hong
Conducted by Dr. Leung Chi-hin
Snowy Field 迎風冒雪 (2016)
for Piano Solo, 2 Flutes, 1 Oboe and Strings
Premiered by Hong Kong Community Philharmonic Orchestra on 6th November 2016 @ Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre
Piano Solo played by Tsang Lok-yan
Conducted by Mr. Wu Enoch
Stormy Sea 驚濤駭浪 (2016)
for Saxophone Octet
Premiered on 2nd June 2016 @ RTHK Studio One, New Generation 2016
Performed by Hong Kong Saxophone Ensemble
Soprano Saxophone: Kevin Ling, Miriam Tsui
Alto Saxophone: Jacky Leung, Wendy Cheng
Tenor Saxophone: Tsang Man Sze, Queenie Wong
Baritone Saxophone: Au Yin Tak, Victory Chung
Conductor : Mr. Vicky Shin
Tap Dance 踢躂舞 (2016)
for 1 Flute, 1 Clarinet, Piano 4 Hands, 1 Violin, 1 Cello and 1 Double Bass
Premiered on 6th May 2016 @ HKIEd C-LP-11
Flute : Cheuk Hei-ting
Clarinet : Chung Chun-hung
Piano 4 Hands : Kwok Ka-ching, Tang Suet-man
Violin : Cheung Wai-lun
Cello : Chen Hegao
Double Bass : Liu Tsz-ching