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WONG Yeuk-hei

Finished  bachelor degree in music education at Education University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong Institute of Education) with honour. During the course he followed professors studying different types music education method, conducting and composition.

He followed Ms. Hui finishing grade eight piano when he was young.  During university  period, he finished Performance Certificate in Trinity College of Music and Licentiate diploma in recital in solo piano with the distinction.

He studied the composition skill with Dr. Lai. and finished the grade eight theory after studying the course of the Hong Kong Academic of Performing Arts (HKAPA).He studied music theory criticism and literature diploma (AMusTCL) with Dr. Cheng. and  finished the Diploma in music theory Licentiate  of Trinity College London(LMusTCL) by self-studied.

He respect his teachers and feel happy to study with them.

After he had graduated from university he registrated as a teacher in Hong Kong Government Education Bureau and has been teaching  piano and theory in one of the biggest piano centre.

He recently starts a publication company for books and music publication(iTunes, spotify..etc) and becomes a member of Hong Kong Composer Guild. As a composer he is working hard to compose daily.

黃若曦(Anson)畢業於香港教育大學 (香港教育學院 ) 主修 音樂教育, 以榮譽學士學位畢業。在學期間跟隨教授們學習音樂教學法,指揮及作曲理論。幼年隨許女士學習鋼琴完成 八級, 其後完成聖三一學院演奏證書(Performance certificate) 。最後隨裴博士完成高級演奏文憑鋼琴( LTCL) 並考獲優異。

大學期間學習作曲,曾隨黎博士學習作曲理論,並於演藝學院學習八級樂理,曾隨鄭博士學習樂理文憑(AMusTCL),最後自習完成高級樂理文憑LM u s TCL。


畢業後註冊為香港教育局註冊教師, 於香港某大琴行教授鋼琴及樂理。最近開設出版公司及成為香港作曲家聯會會員, 為喜歡音樂的人士出版音樂到不同商業音樂平台上 (iTunes,spotify..etc) 。 亦為喜歡 媒體文化的人出版書籍。 作為一個作曲家他每天都努力創作新歌曲。


Polyphonic practice

  • i) Fugue Series:

Fugue no. 1 in c minor (2:22)
(Composition number: 1)
(Completed at 22nd April 2010)

Fugue no. 2 in d minor (2:20)
(Composition number: 2)
(Completed at 07th May 2010)

  • ii) Invention Series

Two parts invention no.1 in c minor (1:20)

(Composition number: 3)

(Completed at 07th June 2010)

Homophonic practice

  • i) Variation Series:

Variation no.1 with 5 varied styles(~7:20)

(Composition number: 4)

(Completed at 30th July 2010)

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