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YIP Ho-kwen Austin

Born in Hong Kong, Austin Yip’s works have been performed worldwide. Places like the United States, Argentina, Scotland, Italy, Slovenia, Korea, Japan and Australia etc. have seen traces of his performance records. His musical creations are very diverse, ranging from orchestral piece to electroacoustic works, from Western orchestral to folk instruments. All the above shows his knowledge and creativity upon different styles of music.

Yip has participated in numerous music festivals, in which he has worked closely with many world-renowned performers and ensembles. Festivals he participated include the ACL-Singapore, Sguardi Sonori (Italy), World Saxophone Congress (Scotland), ISCM-Sydney etc. Yip has received commissions from the Hong Kong Arts Festival, Hong Kong Composers’ Guild, Hong Kong Chamber Orchestra, and more.

Yip received his PhD and Master of Philosophy degrees at the University of Hong Kong under the supervision of Dr. Joshua Chan with the support from the University Postgraduate Fellowship and University Postgraduate Studentship. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts (Music) degree from the University of California, Berkeley with a “high distinction in general scholarship”. Yip is the holder of James Kitagawa Memorial Music Scholarship, Regents’ and Chancellor’s Scholarship, Henry Holbrook Scholarship, James King Scholarship, Eisner Prize, Milton C. Witzel Memorial Prize, Rayson Huang Scholarship and CASH Best Commissioned Piece Award. Yip’s works are published by BabelScores, Ablaze Records and Hong Kong Composers’ Guild. He has taught at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Hong Kong Institute of Education, and is currently a lecturer at the Hong Kong Baptist University. In 2012, he founded the doubledeck factory. As a music critic, his writings have been published on Hong Kong Economic Times, Ta Kung Po and IATC (International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong).


葉氏曾參與多個國際音樂節,當中包括新加坡亞洲作曲家同盟音樂節、Sguardi Sonori(意大利)、世界薩克斯風年會、法國五月、悉尼國際現代音樂節等,並與多位國際級知名演奏家及樂團合作。他曾被香港藝術節、香港作曲家聯會、香港室樂團及香港城市管樂團等委約創作。

葉氏於加州大學柏克萊分校主修聲樂畢業後,於香港大學在陳錦標博士指導下獲取哲學碩士(作曲)及哲學博士 (作曲)學位。葉氏是北川詹姆斯紀念音樂獎學金、校董和校長獎學金、亨利·霍爾布魯克獎學金、詹姆斯·京獎學金、艾斯納獎、米爾頓·C·威策爾紀念獎、大學研究生獎學金、黃麗松獎學金及CASH最佳原創歌曲大獎的持有者。葉氏的部份作品被法國出版社 Babelscores、美國唱片公司Ablaze Records及香港作曲家聯會出版。他所創辨的doubledeck factory致力推廣現代音樂的演出、出版與教學。他先後任教於香港教育學院及香港科技大學,並現職於香港浸會大學音樂系。作為樂評人,他的評論曾見於經濟日報、大公報及國際演藝評論家協會(香港分會)網頁。


Orchestral (Western)

  • Scar (2008) 

  • Decoding Joke (2008)

Chamber (Western)

  • Loch Ness (2007) 
         for clarinet, didgeridoo, violin, cello, percussion and piano

  • Flux (2007)
         for Bb clarinet, flute, violin, cello, piano and drums

  • Stooge (2007) 
         for violin and piano

  • The Kraken (2007)
         for flute and percussion

  • The Mat and the Couse (2006)
         for Bb clarinet, violin, piano and a whistle

  • Insomnia (2006)
         for violin and piano

Instrumental Solo

  • Jin Se (2008) 
         for voice, piano and mouth whistle

  • Twelve Reminiscence (2008)
         for flute

  • Amazon (2007)
         for cello

  • Practice Room (2006)
         for piano

  • A Chick on a Stick (2006)
         for Bb clarinet

Vocal / Choral

  • Lu Chai (2008) 
         for 4 SATB soloists

Music for Theatre / Drama

  • Father - This is All About Excitement (2008)

  • Father - When Boredome Arrives (2008)

  • Father - A Lost Event (2008)

管弦樂 (西樂)

  • 海角懸岩 (2008) 

  • 解迷 (2008)

室樂 (西樂)

  • 酣獸 (2007) 
         for clarinet, didgeridoo, violin, cello, percussion and piano

  • 流 (2007)
         for Bb clarinet, flute, violin, cello, piano and drums

  • 傀儡 (2007) 
         for violin and piano

  • 地極海妖 (2007)
         for flute and percussion

  • 老貓與鼠 (2006)
         for Bb clarinet, violin, piano and a whistle

  • 失眠 (2006)
         for violin and piano


  • 錦瑟 (2008) 
         for voice, piano and mouth whistle

  • 十二回眸 (2008)
         for flute

  • 阿瑪遜 (2007)
         for cello

  • 練習室 (2006)
         for piano

  • 雛鳥 (2006)
         for Bb clarinet

聲樂 / 合唱

  • 鹿柴 (2008) 
         for 4 SATB soloists


  • 《父》 - This is All About Excitement (2008)

  • 《父》 - When Boredome Arrives (2008)

  • 《父》- A Lost Event (2008)

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