YIU Hon-fai Cliff
早年遠赴奧地利維也納音樂院深造, 主修作曲,理論,副修鋼琴,小提琴與指揮。師承Prof. R. Portisch。 留學期間曾參加波蘭華沙作曲班,主要教授包括K. Penderecki,Robert Aitkin, 及法國電子音樂中心IRCAM之導師等。作曲班之創作也曾在波蘭,蘇聯等地演出。 一九九二年以優異成績畢業於維也納音樂院,留學期間有不少作品曾在維也納各處演出。 九四年進入香港演藝學院攻讀電子音樂專業文憑,隨麥偉鑄研究電子、電腦音樂, 受聘為電子音樂室助理及樂理助教,並於九五年畢業。
創作包括有鋼琴曲、小提琴曲、小提琴協奏曲、獨唱、合唱、室樂、中樂、管弦樂、 電子及電腦音樂等。
Orchestral (Western)
Violin Concerto No. 2 "Legend" (1995) 15'
Violin Concerto No. 1 "Nostalgia" (1992) 13'
Pangu (1991) 15'
Orchestral (Chinese)
Two Tone Poems (1997) 12'
Chamber (Western)
Network Communication (2000) 10'
for chamber nonetWater (1999) 8'
for pf quintetAppassionato (1988) 9'
for string trioMerge (1998) 8'
for string quartetHard Dance (1994) 10'
for amplified string quartet97 (1992) 12'
for 4 perc
Instrumental Solo
Hong Kong Blues (2005) for zheng
Single boat (2003) for zheng
Husband at War (2003) for zheng
Waiting for the Husband return from War (2003) for zheng
Reunion (2003) for zheng
Sail Alone (1996) 8'
for zhengRhapsody for Harpsichord (1992) 8'
Prelude and Allegro (1991) 9'
for vn & pfSolicitude (1991) 7'
for flSuite for Piano "Hong Kong" (1991) 15'
Five Pieces for Guitar (1990) 16'
Three Poems of Li-He (1987) 18'
for pfSonata in A Minor (1986) 16'
for pf
Vocal / Choral
Autumns Thought (1992) 7'
for 12 singersThree Poems of Wang Wei (1991) 8'
for high-voice singerTwelve Canons for Choir (1991) 15'
Electro-Acoustic Music / Computer Music
Electronic Dream No. 2 (1996) 13'
for pf & tapePerpetual Mobile (1995) 6'
for tapeInvisible Hands (1995) 10'
for tape & videoTransfiguration (1995) 8'
for computer, amplified vn & videoOdyssey to the Underworld (1995) 12'
for computer & live electronicsTone Painting (1995) 10'
for computer, synthesizer, sampler & 3D-mouseCyberdream (1995) 20'
for computer, synthesizer & MIDI wind-controllerElectronic Dream No. 1 (1992) 12'
for pf & tape
管弦樂 (西樂)
第二小提琴協奏曲《傳奇》(1995) 15'
第一小提琴協奏曲《思鄉》 (1992) 13'
盤古初開(1991) 15'
管弦樂 (中樂)
音詩兩首(1997) 12'
室樂 (西樂)
網路聯通(2000) 10'
for chamber nonet水之形態(1999) 8'
for pf quintet激情(1988) 9'
for string trio融會 (1998) 8'
for string quartet勁舞(1994) 10'
for amplified string quartet九七(1992) 12'
for 4 perc
香江怨(2005) for zheng
一葉舟(2003) for zheng
夫戰沙場(2003) for zheng
盼君歸(2003) for zheng
相知相守(2003) for zheng
孤舟獨行(1996) 8'
for zheng古鍵琴狂想曲(1992) 8'
前奏與快板 (1991) 9'
for vn & pf寂(1991) 7'
for fl香港組曲(1991) 15'
結他獨奏五首(1990) 16'
李賀詩三首(1987) 18'
for pfA小調奏鳴曲(1986) 16'
for pf
聲樂 / 合唱
秋思(1992) 7'
for 12 singers王維詩三首(1991) 8'
for high-voice singer十二首合唱卡農(1991) 15'
電子音樂 / 電腦音樂
第二電子夢 (1996) 13'
for pf & tape無窮動(1995) 6'
for tape無形之手(1995) 10'
for tape & video變形(1995) 8'
for computer, amplified vn & video冥界之旅(1995) 12'
for computer & live electronics音之繪(1995) 10'
for computer, synthesizer, sampler & 3D-mouse電腦夢(1995) 20'
for computer, synthesizer & MIDI wind-controller第一電子夢(1992) 12'
for pf & tape