A Chasing Man
Cheng Sik-nam(2nd Runner Up)
鄭錫楠在香港出生和成長,他予2022年畢業於香港演藝學院音樂學院,主修作曲及電子音樂,師隨邱玉鳯博士(2018-2019)以及鄧慧中博士(2020-2022),在兩位老師的栽培下,鄭氏在作曲技巧、獨立思考和對藝術的看法得到獨到的個人風格。鄭氏予2022年為 JK & Ingrid Lee 創意項目基金的獲獎者,並且在2021/22年度獲得 ‘CASH Composition Scholarship’ 獲學金。
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Cheng Sik-nam graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2022, studying the Bachelor of Music (Hons.). He majored in composition and electronic music with Dr. Yau Yuk-fung in 2018-2019 and Dr. Joyce Tang in 2020-2022. Cheng’s composition techniques, critical thinking and the perspective of arts were cultivated during both doctor’s tutelage. He was an awardee of the JK & Ingrid Lee Foundation Creative Project Fund in 2022 and CASH Composition Scholarship 2021/22.
Cheng aims to explore different form factors of creations. He was the songwriter, lyricist and pianist of Le Made Imaginaire, a drama show by HKAPA drama school, held in 2022 in Rita Tong Liu Drama Theatre, HKAPA. He composed an orchestral work Luminous Red Nova in 2022. He was the arranger of the Union Song for the Hong Kong University Student Union in 2020.
He is currently having much passion on handpan and seeking opportunities to share his music.
School’s academic results, career development at work, starting a family, these things we will undoubtedly be compared with others during our lifetime. Seemingly we are chasing a train endlessly that some maybe on board already but some haven’t. For the destination, things we will see in the terminal, time of arrival, we, however, know nothing about it. So, is it worth using lots of effort to chase it? Are we actually fulfilling people’s expectations? Or are we afraid of being chased by others?
In a certain period of our life, we will know whether we take the right train or not. Ask yourself, what kind of thing means a lot to you? Is it wealth and power? Starting a family? Or is it pursuing a healthy physical and mental life? After all, it is our desire to decide where the terminal is and only yourself know about it.
A Chasing Man uses a rapid and steady rhythm, depicting the scenario of people chasing a train and thus, reflecting our career.