Kau Nga Ling (West Ridge)
Zheng Yui-ka
鄭裔䕒為香港演藝學院音樂學士,師隨張珮珊博士和李嘉怡女士學習作曲及電子音樂。她現在愛沙尼亞音樂和劇院學院攻讀碩士,主修電子音樂,師隨Malle Maltis和Margo Kõlar。
Zheng Yui-ka was born in Hong Kong. She received degree from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (B.M. (hons), under the teaching of Dr. Cheung Pui-shan and Ms Li Kar-yee. She is studying in Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, majoring in electroacoustic composition (Master of Arts), under the teaching of Malle Maltis and Margo Kõlar.
Her major works include, Contrary for String Quartet, Tract for mixed ensemble and Lo Ting for Guanzi and live electronic, ERRORPunk for multimedia and Be Water, My Friend for ambisonic.
Kau Nga Ling (West Ridge) is the southern hill range from Lantau Peak, Hong Kong. Most of the slopes are very steep, requiring one to clamber up strenuously. Inspired by the shape of the mountain, I have appointed the ‘up and down’ phrase to the Xylophone. The piece is about my mixed feelings as the composer: scared of heights, tired because of climbing, deeply affected by the view.