香港作曲家聯會 x 香港城市室樂團

活動: 香港作曲家聯會 x 香港城市室樂團 非凡豎琴之夜
日期: 2025年4月30日(星期三)
時間: 晚上8:00
地點: 香港大會堂劇院
票價(港幣): 150, 100
購票連結: https://www.urbtix.hk/event-detail/13120/
特邀演奏家: 孫尹婷(豎琴獨奏)
指揮: 簡柏堅

香港城市室樂團以別樹一幟的風格,成為亞洲首屈一指的室樂團之一。樂團自1999年由雙簧管演奏家黎燕欣創立以來,已經和許多享譽國際的名家同台演出,包括占士.高威、依芙蓮.格妮、愛瑪.柯克比、湯馬士.艾倫、馬連拿爵士、米卡拉.帕蒂莉克、克里斯蒂安.林伯格、張永宙、朱利安.萊.韋伯、艾特格.邁耶、布蘭福特.馬薩里斯、弗拉基米爾.阿殊堅納西、理查.蓋利安諾、阿爾瑪.多伊徹等。樂團也曾與多位著名的藝人合作,包括埃德娜.埃弗烈治夫人、海莉.威斯特拉、理查.克萊德曼、羅賓.吉布,以及粵語流行樂壇之星林憶蓮、李克勤、張敬軒、草蜢、張學友等。樂團其他備受注意的節目,包括和維也納兒童合唱團、波蘭華沙男童合唱團、美國兒童合唱團、瑞典之聲室樂合唱團、英皇合唱團及史溫格歌手的合作演出。香港城市室樂團進取的節目編排方向,在國際間備受注目及認可,因此來自各地音樂節的邀約演出甚多,包括倫敦、拉奎拉、台北、北京、成都、上海等。在本地的邀約演出,則有香港芭蕾舞團、法國五月藝術節、香港電台的聖誕園林音樂會、世界豎琴大會、香港國際半音階口琴大賽、香港國際鋼琴比賽等。電影和動畫音樂會演出包括霍華.布列克的《雪人與大熊》、《哈利.波特》系列、《加勒比海盜:魔盜王終極之戰》、《Final Fantasy》系列、《聖鬥士星矢交響音樂會》和《海賊王》。樂團一向支持現代音樂,曾委約茅沅、楊嘉輝、鄧慧中、塔芭高娃及理查德.哈維創作新作。錄音製作包括與米卡拉.帕蒂莉克、依芙蓮.格妮 、賓奈利—費曼阿根廷手風琴與鋼琴二重奏等合作的全球首錄CD專輯,分別由拿索斯、Orchid Classics(英國)及OUR Recordings(丹麥)唱片公司發行。樂團以培育香港下一代的古典音樂觀眾為己任,特地創作了多齣舞台音樂演出,包括《莫扎特的魔法》、《星.巴赫》、《揭開韋華第的神秘面紗》、《波恩英雄》、《海頓與親王》、《失蝨室樂團》(2017年獲葡萄牙YAMawards「觀眾票選獎」的音樂劇場)、《野地之聲》(2022年獲比利時YAMawards「觀眾票選獎」的音樂劇)等。樂團首席指揮包括2008-2016年在任的法國指揮尚.托勞,及自2019年至今的阿美尼亞指揮及鋼琴家瓦安.馬狄洛辛。自2024年7月起,香港城市室樂團為藝術發展局「優秀藝團計劃」資助團體。 www.ccohk.com

Francis Kan
Born in Hong Kong, Francis Kan learnt music from childhood, and it has become an integral part of his life.
In 1993, after graduating from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, he continued his studies at the Guildhall School of Music in London with a full scholarship. Recommended by Maestro Sergio Commissiona, he was appointed as a conducting intern of the Asian Youth Orchestra, with whom he toured in Hong Kong, Singapore and the United States.
In 1995, Kan won the International Competition for Young Conductors in Portugal and since then he has worked, as a guest conductor, with several orchestras abroad, including the Lisbon Metropolitan Orchestra, the Romanian National Radio Orchestra, the Bucharest Philharmonic and the Silvestri Chamber Orchestra, etc.
Besides, Kan has worked with the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong, and the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra, and had been the Principal Conductor of the Union Philharmonic Orchestra, HKUSU, since its inception until 2013.
From 2006 to present, Francis Kan has been the Assistant Conductor of Macao Orchestra, with a mission to promote musical education in Macao. From 2010 to 2012, he also took up the role of resident conductor at the Guiyang Symphony Orchestra. In recent years, he has frequently cooperated with the China National Centre for Performing Arts Orchestra, the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, the Zhejiang Symphony Orchestra, and the Harbin Symphony Orchestra. In March 2015, he led the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra on a cultural exchange performance to South Africa and also conducted the opening concert for the “Year of China” in South Africa, which was highly praised by Luo Shugang, the Minister of Culture of the People’s Republic of China. In September of the same year, he toured Europe with the Macao Orchestra, leading it to perform with young pianist Zhang Haochen in Zürich and Budapest. Also, he acted as the Conductor of “A Dream of Fragrancy,” a local original chamber opera in three acts composed by Liu Chenchen, at the 30th Macao International Music Festival in 2016. In June 2017, Kan performs with the National Ballet of China Symphony Orchestra at the National Centre for Performing Arts in Beijing, commemorating the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong’s handover to China. In September 2018, he led the Zhejiang Symphony Orchestra on a tour of Brazil, performing in four places in Iguazu, Brasilia, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, with great success, which aroused great attention in the Brazilian cultural and music circle.

孫尹婷最近灌錄了三首豎琴協奏曲,分別由陳嘉年(兩度Juno獎得主)、韓德爾及James W. Campbell創作,由Nurhan Arman指揮Sinfonia Toronto伴奏,錄音將於今年七月發行。這項計劃獲得Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council和Volvo資助。孫氏亦曾灌錄何冰頤的《銀色天使的輓歌》,由Centrediscs發行。她首張唱片《嚮往》於2010年在香港發行,獲加拿大古典音樂雜誌Whole Note讚譽道:「曲目的選取平衡,集中於平靜而溫暖的樂曲,演奏出色」。
孫氏曾以獨奏者身份,與Sinfonia Toronto, Toronto Concert Orchestra及香港城市室樂團演出,亦曾於多個音樂節(包括多倫多夏季音樂節、美洲豎琴協會夏季學院、香港藝術節等)演出。她曾擔任香港城市室樂團豎琴首席,現任Toronto Concert Orchestra及North Bay Symphony豎琴首席。
孫氏亦熱心教學,現任多倫多皇家音樂學院豎琴考官,亦任教於Lakehead University(位於Thunder Bay)。曾任教於Carleton University、西北大學及香港中文大學。她將於2026世界豎琴會議(WHC)中擔任「聚焦年青人」環節主持人之一,亦曾於2022年在皇家威爾斯音樂與舞蹈學院舉行的WHC中演講,主題為當代豎琴音樂。
孫氏為第一位獲得豎琴演奏博士的華人,畢業於西北大學,師隨芝加哥抒情歌劇院前豎琴首席Elizabeth Cifani。
Teresa Suen-Campbell recently recorded three harp concertos, including two-time Juno award composer Chan Ka-nin’s, Handel’s and James W. Campbell’s, with Sinfonia Toronto conducted by Nurhan Arman, to be released in July this year. She had the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council, and Volvo. She also recorded Alice Ho’s Beyond the Erupting Skies Silver Angels Sing Among the Gold Stars on the Centrediscs label. Her debut solo album “Longing,” released in Hong Kong in 2010, was praised “a well-balanced program focusing on calmness and warmth, beautifully played” by Canadian Classical Music Magazine Whole Note.
An advocate of contemporary music, Teresa has commissioned four harp concertos, three solo works for the harp, and two solo works for harp and electronics to date.
As a soloist, Teresa has performed with Sinfonia Toronto, Toronto Concert Orchestra and Hong Kong City Chamber Orchestra. She has also performed at different music festivals such as the Toronto Summer Music, American Harp Society Summer Institute and the Hong Kong Arts Festival. As an orchestral harpist, Teresa is currently principal harpist of the Toronto Concert Orchestra and North Bay Symphony and formerly, City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong.
A dedicated educator, Teresa is currently a harp examiner at the Royal Conservatory of Music and is on faculty at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay. She also taught harp at Carleton University, Northwestern University, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Teresa is Co-Chair of the “Focus on Youth” of the World Harp Congress 2026 and gave a lecture on contemporary harp music at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama at WHC 2022.
Teresa is the first harpist from China to acquire a Doctor of Music degree in harp performance, studying with Elizabeth Cifani, former principal harpist of Lyric Opera of Chicago, at Northwestern University.

陳嘉年生於香港,1965年隨家人移居溫哥華。在英屬哥倫比亞大學攻讀電子工程學士學位期間,隨 Jean Coulthard 學習作曲。畢業後到印第安納大學隨Bernhard Heiden學習作曲,其後取得音樂的碩士及博士學位。自1982 年至今於多倫多大學任教音樂理論及作曲。
陳氏獲獎無數,包括以下作曲比賽獎項:巴托克國際作曲家比賽、Barlow國際比賽、國際圓號協會作曲比賽、Jean Chalmers獎、PROCAN 年青作曲家比賽、Amherst色士風四重奏作曲比賽,並曾兩度獲得Juno最佳古典音樂作曲獎。
陳氏近年的創作包括:2022年1月由敲擊樂手Antti Ohenoja和弦樂四重奏在赫爾辛基首演的《漫長的冬天》、2023年由Naomi Woo指揮溫尼伯交響樂團首演的《迎春》、第二齣完整的歌劇《龍的故事》(2023年6月在多倫多光影藝術節首演)、2023年為意大利長笛手Luisa Sello而作的《長笛協奏曲:西西里女巫》(由Sinfonia Toronto首演)。此長笛協奏曲其後於2024年11月由 Luisa Sello 和 Penderecki 弦樂四重奏於意大利八個城市巡迴演出。
Chan Ka-nin was born in Hong Kong and moved with his family to Vancouver in 1965. At the University of British Columbia, he studied composition with Jean Coulthard while pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering. After graduation he decided to continue studying composition with Bernhard Heiden at Indiana University where he eventually obtained his Master’s and Doctoral degrees in music. Since 1982, he has been teaching theory and composition at the University of Toronto.
His numerous international awards include Béla Bartók International Composers’ Competition, Barlow International Competitions, International Horn Society Composition Contest, Jean Chalmers Award, PROCAN Young Composers’ Competition and Amherst Saxophone Quartet Composition Competition, as well as two Juno Awards for Best Classical Compositions.
Characteristically luminous in texture and exotic in instrumental colours, Chan’s music has been described by critics as “sensuous,” “haunting,” and “intricate.” The composer often draws his inspiration directly from his personal experiences: for example, the birth of one of his daughters, the death of his father, his spiritual quests, or his connection to nature and concern for the environment.
His recent work, Pikä Talvi (Long Winter), was premiered by percussionist Antti Ohenoja and a string quartet in Helsinki in January 2022. Welcoming Spring was premiered by Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra under Naomi Woo in 2023. His second full length opera Dragon’s Tale was premiered in June 2023 during Luminato at Harbourfront in Toronto. In the same year his Flute Concerto: Doñas de fuera for Italian flutist Luisa Sello was premiered by Sinfonia Toronto. In November 2024, this work was showcased on an 8-city tour by flutist Luisa Sello and the Penderecki String Quartet in Italy.
我深感榮幸獲得出色的豎琴演奏家孫尹婷委約創作一首豎琴協奏曲,而這是我創作的第一首豎琴協奏曲。我同時要感謝指揮大師Nurhan Arman對這項委約的大力支持,他領導下的Sinfonia Toronto於過去數年曾出色地演出我數首作品。
我非常感謝孫尹婷委約我創作此曲,以及Ontario Arts Council, Toronto Arts Council, Sinfonia Toronto 的大力支持。
Harp Concerto
When harpist Teresa Suen-Campbell asked me to write a harp concerto, I was thrilled because she is a wonderful harpist, and this will be my first concerto for this beautiful instrument. I am very grateful to Maestro Nurhan Arman for his support in commissioning this project. Sinfonia Toronto has kindly performed a few of my compositions in the past years under his superb direction. As this piece was written during the pandemic (2021-22), my thoughts have been with vulnerable people, including my 94-year-old mother who has developed dementia in recent years. As I gradually lose my connection with her, this work will be my memory of this strong and wise woman. At the same time, this could also be her memories of her colourful life.
The piece begins with a description of her surroundings: lonely and unable to communicate with others. She is resolved to think of her energetic youthful time and her beloved husband in the form of a song, which she begins to sing to herself. The piece ends with her resilience against the state of disillusionment.
The composer wishes to thank the Ontario Arts Council and the Toronto Arts Council, Sinfonia Toronto, and Teresa Suen-Campbell for commissioning this work.

劉氏現於香港中文大學攻讀音樂博士(作曲)課程,師承陳啟揚教授。他的研究專注於探索粵語的獨特語言特性,並將其融入跨樂種的聲樂、合唱及器樂創作中。曾合作的音樂團體包括 BBC Singers、Psappha、RNCM Orchestra、Kantos Chamber Choir、Cong Quartet、香港學校音樂節、香港新青年合唱團等。
Born in Hong Kong, Lau Lik-chi Daniel is a multifaceted singer-composer-conductor with expertise spanning across classical music, musical theatre, pop and gospel music.
Lau is pursuing a Doctor of Music (Composition) degree at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where his research focuses on creating genre-hybrid music that explores the unique linguistic features of Cantonese. He has written music for BBC Singers, Psappha, RNCM Orchestra, Kantos Chamber Choir, Cong Quartet, Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and Hong Kong Youth Choir, among others. He earned his Master of Music in Composition (M.Mus.) with distinction from the Royal Northern College of Music and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Music from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Passionate about engaging audiences through music, he remains attuned to the evolving artistic and social landscape.
bramble’s way, zither waits
bramble’s way, zither waits is a composition for chamber orchestra inspired by Meng Hao-ran’s (? – 740) poem Waiting for a friend who has not yet come in front of a Buddhist monastery. The piece takes the listener on a journey through the emotional and mental states of the poem’s protagonist, who waits for his friend to arrive. The melodic motifs throughout the piece are derived from the Cantonese tones of the poem’s closing line, “孤琴候蘿徑”, pronounced as: gu1 kam4 hau6 lo4 ging3.

彭珺 Pang Kwan Kevin
彭珺先後於香港中文大學取得內外全科醫學士、音樂文學碩士及作曲音樂碩士,師隨陳啟揚教授學習作曲。其後,彭氏於英國劍橋大學深造,並取得音樂哲學碩士。彭氏為香港作曲家聯會 (HKCG) 及香港作曲家及作詞家協會 (CASH) 會員。
彭氏的作品曾於加拿大、美國、意大利及香港等地演出,當中包括「香港當代音樂節2020」、香港作曲家聯會「現代音樂展演交流平台」及「音樂沙龍」等。他的作品曾於劍橋大學多間學院演出。此外,他的作品曾獲Odin四重奏(多倫多)、Lehner四重奏(美國)、Stellar三重奏(北京)、Cong四重奏(香港)、NOVA Ensemble(香港)及合唱俠(香港)等不同團體演出。
Pang Kwan Kevin attained his medical degree, Master of Arts in Music and Master of Music at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). At CUHK, he studied music composition under the tutelage of Prof. Chan Kai-young. After completing his studies at CUHK, he went on to obtain an MPhil in Music at the University of Cambridge, focusing on composition. He is a member of the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild (HKCG) and the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong (CASH).
His compositions had been performed in various events in Canada, USA, Italy and Hong Kong, including Hong Kong Contemporary Music Festival 2020, Interactive Platform for Contemporary Music Appreciation and Music Salon of HKCG. At the University of Cambridge, his pieces had been performed in various Colleges. His music had also been performed by groups including Odin Quartet (Toronto), Lehner Quartet (USA), Stellar Trio (Beijing), Cong Quartet (HK), NOVA Ensemble (HK) and Sregnis Singers (HK), etc.
Pang was awarded the runner-up prize at the Homerton College Composing Competition 2022 of University of Cambridge. He was the recipient of 2nd runner-up prize in the New Generation 2020 composition competition in Hong Kong. During his studies at the CUHK Department of Music, he was awarded the David Gwilt Composition Prize, Audience Prize and Dean’s List Award of Faculty of Arts.

彭振町是香港作曲家,其音樂獲多位重要音樂家和多個重要樂團演出,包括 Vertixe Sonora、Ensemble Linea、以色列當代演奏家、Quatuor Makrokosmos 、 Ensemble Ascolta等。他的音樂探索脆弱性,以及音樂典故背後的邏輯和張力。他從香港演藝學院畢業後,在新英格蘭音樂學院、紐約州立大學水牛城分校深造,師事David Felder 博士、Malcolm Peyton 教授和羅永暉教授。在 Dian Red Kechil International Young Composers Residency、Royaumont Voix Nouvelles、Sävellyspaja 和韋爾斯利學院的作曲家會議期間,他亦接受Chaya Czernowin、Brian Ferneyhough、Jukka Tiensuu、Augusta Read Thomas 等著名作曲家的指導。
Pang Chun-ting is a Hong Kong composer whose music has been performed by a number of foremost musicians and ensembles, including Vertixe Sonora, Ensemble Linea, Israel Contemporary Players, Quatuor Makrokosmos and Ensemble Ascolta. His music explores fragility, and the logic and tension behind musical allusions.
After graduating from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, he furthered studied at New England Conservatory and University at Buffalo. His primary composition teachers include Dr. David Felder, Prof. Malcolm Peyton and Prof. Law Wing-fai.
Pang has also received additional training from renowned composers including Chaya Czernowin, Brian Ferneyhough, Jukka Tiensuu and Augusta Read Thomas during his residencies at Dian Red Kechil International Young Composers’ Residency, Royaumont Voix Nouvelles, Sävellyspaja and Composers’ Conference at Wellesley College.
Sigh, Breath, Mitochondrion and Grace
This piece is a musical tribute to the composer’s mother who passed away in 2023. While illnesses bring sadness and struggles, life ends and transforms. The title means the four main elements along the process. Sigh, a symbol of sadness, is represented by descending glissandi. Breath, a symbol of life, is represented by air noise. They develop and progress into a variety of outbursts and textures. All of these are ended by the inevitable. But her life continues in form of DNA, generating energy quietly in the mitochondrion of every cell in the composer’s body. As she converted to Christianity at the end of her life, the hymn Amazing Grace is used as a source material to conclude the piece.

鄭氏近年積極參與電影工業,憑原創電影音樂“The Cube Phantom”入選荷蘭鹿特丹國際影展,在影展中放映多場。而管弦樂組曲《大英博物館》在歐洲管弦樂團及電影音樂學院比賽入選前150名。
Anthony Cheng is a multi-award-winning composer of chamber, symphonic, and songwriting. Cheng also writes scores for movies, TV and theatre. As a composer in multidisciplinary fields of music composition, Cheng’s music consists of an eclectic inspiration of a variety of Western and Eastern influenced musical styles. Cheng read music at King’s College London and the University of Hong Kong where he obtained Master of Music and Ph.D. respectively. He has divided his time between living in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong since 2022.
Whether writing for an orchestra or electronic textures, Cheng’s music embraces abstract worlds and emotions with the goal of igniting listeners’ imaginations. His orchestral works have been performed by prestigious orchestras including Czech National Symphony Orchestra, Surrey Philharmonic Orchestra, City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra.
Cheng has published over 70 pieces of contemporary works, more than 200 pop songs and commercial music production for TVC, feature films and theatrical works, much of his music is released on CDs and digital medias such as Apple Music, Spotify, Netflix, Disney+, etc. His classical works have been performed and broadcast across Asia Pacific, Europe and South America.
Cheng is the recipient of the 28th RTHK Top Ten Chinese Gold Songs Awards, Joint Song Award for Performance Excellence from four Hong Kong local radio stations, the Best Serious Composition of CASH Golden Sail Music Awards with his compositions Lost and Regain (2015) and Dark Side of the City: II - Trapped (2018), and the Top 150 awarded by European Recording Orchestra (ERO) with his orchestral suite The British Museum (2024).
Cheng has been frequently invited to attend international conferences and music festivals such as ISCM, International Rostrum of Composers in Argentina (2019) and Serbia (2021), Composers Summit Prague, International Double Reed Society Conference, International Film Festival Rotterdam, International Catholic Film Festival, Classical:NEXT in Netherlands, The 14th Beijing International Electronic Music Composition Competition, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Le French May Arts Festival, and Hong Kong Contemporary Music Festival.
電影音樂致敬系列: 作品1 -《怪奇物語》
Film Music Fiesta Series: Op. 1 - Sketches from "Stranger Things"
Composer George S. Clinton once said, “a composer interprets a film dramatically and expresses it musically. It’s true that the composer is a translator who takes a storyline and turns it into music, but it’s not so much the musical notes the film needs as much as it is the emotion that flows from those notes.” Unlike concert music, film composers must work within the constraints of the motion pictures and support the picture while maintaining structural cohesion of the music. They must fashion their music around the picture, following all the twists and turns. However, concert music is free of these constraints.
This series of works, named "Film Music Fiesta," is designed to maintain the storytelling, emotional arousal, and structural cohesion of the movie on the one hand; and on the other hand, to retain the integrity of the works written for concert performance, giving the music a new impact, attractiveness and artistic merits.
"Stranger Things" is a sci-fi and horror drama, claimed as a blockbuster of NETFLIX in recent years. Through a new understanding of this drama, I keep writing musical motives, harmonies and textures with eccentric touches, by blending the imaginative writing style of contemporary music as well as grasping the orchestration techniques commonly used in film soundtracks, to give the audience a refreshing feeling.

洪氏作品一個顯著特徵,是經常加上近似萬花筒般的許多細節,並且融合東西文化的風格。其作品多樣化,包括器樂獨奏、管弦樂、影像配樂、合唱音樂等共約80部。他的樂譜由奧地利Universal Edition (UE)、法國BabelScores 和英國Trübcher Music Editions出版。
2015斯洛文尼亞ISCM世界音樂日、芬蘭西貝流士150週年慶典、2017克羅地亞薩格勒布音樂雙年展、第五屆首爾玩具鋼琴音樂節2024等。他曾擔任2010英國CoMA新音樂作曲大師班、2013新加坡華樂團工作坊和2021 Nexus Ensemble的駐團作曲家。
此外,洪氏獲得多項國際作曲比賽獎項,如美國波士頓ALEA III國際作曲比賽(一等獎)、保加利亞Sofia 2013國際作曲比賽(一等獎);波蘭I. J. Paderewski音樂學院國際作曲家比賽(二等獎)、2024星海音樂學院第一屆器樂創新創意大賽(二等獎);美國中美作曲家作曲比賽、新加坡華樂團作曲比賽及芬蘭西貝流士國際作曲比賽(入圍獎)等。
Chris Hung
Described as “beautifully evoked…in a type of ordered chaos,” “meticulous attempt on the balance of the sound of modern music,” the music of Hong Kong composer Chris Hung first gained international recognition in 2010, with his work Infinite Soundscape premiered by International Contemporary Ensemble (USA) at the Darmstadt Summer Course in Germany.
One of the salient features of Hung’s compositions is his use of kaleidoscopic details, merging different cultural styles from the East and the West. His diverse oeuvre includes an array of about 80 works from instrumental solo to orchestral music, as well as audio-visual works and choral music. His scores are published by Universal Edition (Austria), BabelScores (France) and Trübcher Music Editions (UK).
Over the past twenty years, Hung’s works have been performed and broadcast over twenty countries in Europe, USA and Asia in various leading festivals, such as Beijing Modern Music Festival (China), ISCM World Music Days (Slovenia), Sibelius 150th Anniversary Celebration (Finland), Music Biennale Zagreb (Croatia) and recently in the 5th Seoul Toy Piano Music Festival 2024, etc. He was composer-fellow in 2010 CoMA New Music Residency (UK), Singapore Chinese Orchestra Workshop 2013 and composer-in-residence 2021 of Nexus Ensemble.
In addition, Hung was a recipient of numerous international composition awards, such as ALEA III International Composition Competition (USA) (First Prize), “Sofia 2013” International Composition Competition (Bulgaria) (First Prize); International Composers’ Competition of the I. J. Paderewski Academy of Music (Poland) (Second Prize) and 2024 Xinghai Conservatory of Music First Instrumental Music Innovation and Creativity Composition Competition (Second Prize); EarShot: China – U.S. Composers Competition (USA), Singapore Chinese Orchestra Composition Competition, International Jean Sibelius Composition Competition (Finland) (Finalists) among others.
He currently serves as Secretary (Administration) of the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild. He was the Hong Kong Representative attending the 65th International Rostrum of Composers held in Budapest, Hungary in 2018.
Dr. Hung holds a Doctor of Music degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He received guidance under the tutelage of Prof. Chan Wing Wah and Prof. Victor Chan. He currently teaches music in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUSCS), School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU, SCE), Baron School of Music and other music institutions in Hong Kong.
Website: http://chris-hung.com
過去二十多年中,香港經歷了兩次重大疫情 (SARS 和 Covid-19),在作品的中間部份我運用了一些摘錄自《獅子山下》的旋律,但呈現一個變奏版本,代表模糊的追憶。對於不同的聽眾來說,這可能會有不同的解釋。
The composition is a musical memento (remembrance) about our landmark Lion Rock, a mountain in Hong Kong, in which the popular Canto-pop song Below the Lion Rock has touched numerous souls of Hong Kong people.
In the past years, Hong Kong has experienced two major pandemics, namely SARS and Covid-19, and I would like to use a few melodic excerpts in Below the Lion Rock to present a variant version, representing a blurred recollection and remembrance that could possibly be interpreted differently by different audiences.
Another prominent feature in this piece is the use of string divisi, a concept to give a microscopic texture that expands the audiences’ sonic experience.
Literally, the word “Apologue” means a literary work that uses fictitious stories to illustrate a certain truth and achieve the purpose of admonition, education or satire.
I would not explain why I use this vocabulary and sometimes leaving it as an enigma would serve well as well.

他的作品獲獎無數,多次於歐美、亞洲演出(包括ISCM國際現代音樂節、國際作曲家論壇、亞洲作曲家聯盟論壇及音樂節、亞洲青年管弦樂團世界巡迴演出)並出版。他曾與香港管弦樂團(盛宗亮、廖國敏等指揮)、德國國際現代合奏音樂學院(IEMA)、紐約愛樂交響樂團的成員、演奏家姜東錫、Jan-Erik Gustafsson等合作。他曾獲梵志登大師委約創作小提琴與大提琴雙協奏曲,作為他的 60 歲生辰禮物。
他的配樂作品於國際影展Sound and Image Challenge Festival 及Pink City International Short Film Festival等上映。黃氏亦致力於編曲,由包括Nick Vujicic、潘迪華及Harry哥哥等藝人、歌手及團體演出。
Wong Chun-wai has a versatile composition profile comprising concert music, musicals and film scores. He often infuses different musical languages to evoke atmospheres and sceneries, engaging audiences with quasi-multimedia-art experiences. He is also interested in incorporating contemporary musical ideas into the (Late) Romantic musical language.
Winning multiple awards across the globe, his compositions are featured in international events such as the International Rostrum of Composers, ISCM World Music Days, ACL (Asian Composers League) Festival and the Asian Youth Orchestra World Tour; and are published by the PARMA Recordings, Ablaze Records (United States), Europa Musica Publishing (France) among others. His music is performed and recorded by prominent groups and musicians including the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (with Jaap van Zweden, Bright Sheng, Sebastian Perłowski and others), Internationale Ensemble Modern Akademie, performers from the New York Philharmonic and soloists including Dong-Suk Kang and Jan-Erik Gustafsson. He was commissioned a Double Concerto by maestro Jaap van Zweden for his 60th birthday.
Films he scored are featured in international festivals including the Sound and Image Challenge Festival and Pink City International Short Film Festival. His arrangements have been performed by renowned groups and artists such as Nick Vujicic and Rebecca Pan Di-hua.
For more please visit http://www.wongchunwaimusic.com.
本作為鋼琴四重奏《鳥兒告訴我—冥想和頓悟》(2021) 的姊妹作,四重奏當中的旋律會以倒影的形態在本作出現。
Programme notes
There are things that cannot change,
Sorrows few can share,
Griefs we must conceal.
A silent wish to fly high
Finds its voice in a dream,
And birds upon the road remind
How lovely it would seem.
Reverie – A Flight with Birds evokes the sensation of soaring alongside birds, celebrating freedom and grace through a rich tapestry of sound. It is my hope that this piece offers a temporary escape, relieving the stresses and depressions of life.
The composition juxtaposes the timeless nature of dreams with the dynamic essence of flight, continuously layering these contrasting elements. Lyrical melodies and slow harmonic rhythms capture the stillness of dream, while rapid accompaniments and counterpoints convey the energy of flight. Throughout the piece, bird calls – particularly those of the Black-collared Starling, Sparrow, and American Robin – serve as recurring musical motives, inspired by my personal experiences of nature.
The music draws on a spiraling anhemitonic pentatonic scale and a spiraling hemitonic pentatonic scale as the primary pitch materials. Additionally, the cyclical whole-tone scale contributes a subtle role. The interplay between these directionless materials and their contrasting diatonic counterparts reflects the elusive nature of flight within the context of a dream.
This piece serves as a companion to my piano quartet What Birds Tell Me - Meditation and Epiphany (2021), incorporating inversions of melodies from this older piece.
Reverie – A Flight with Birds is commissioned by the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild and premiered by the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong.
P.S. Could the dream never end?