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CHAN Nga-man

Born in Hong Kong, CHAN Nga-man obtained her undergraduate degree double majoring in Music and Media & Cultural Studies in the University of Hong Kong. In recognition of her outstanding academic performances at university, Chan received the HKU Worldwide Exchange Scholarship for her exchange to the Queen’s University, Kingston in 2010. Chan was also awarded the Hong Kong Children’s Choir Scholarship and the Bernard van Zuiden Music Prize. Chan is now the member of Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong (CASH) and the Hong Kong Composer’s Guild.

Chan’s works have been widely performed in different places including Hong Kong, Taiwan and the U.S. She won the ACUVUE® NATURAL REMIX competition in 2013. In 2014, her soundscape music Vast Littleness was commissioned by Hong Kong Loksum Chinese Orchestra with sponsorship from CASH Music Fund. Her composition Command in the Rain entered the final of the New Generation 2015, performed by Chinese Music Virtuosi and was broadcasted in Radio 4 of Radio and Television Hong Kong (RTHK). The music also entered the Music From the Heart 2016 of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. Her work In June was premiered in Nief-Norf Music Festival 2015 in US.

Besides instrumental music, she also composes music for short movies, drama and dance. In 2014, she scored music for micro film <Dummy>, which has awarded the best micro film of M21 Competition. In 2015, Chan worked with Lok Sum Chinese Orchestra for a multimedia show crossed over music, movie and dance. In September 2015, Chan presented her own concert "Music Puzzle Concert" and received positive feedback and recognition. Audiences were impressed by the creative idea and interactive introduction of new music.

Chan also works in the popular music industry, she is the songwriter of Firesonic Records, she has written song for alternative music singer Aifi and Chinee, which are publised and have been radio-broadcasted. Her music are sold in different music platform, including iTunes, KKbox, Moov and Omusic. She is the working partner of the Grandeur of Music, MaD and Taiwan Music Group "Stuttorn Band".


陳氏的作品曾於香港、台灣、美國等地公開演奏。2013年,她在ACUVUE® NATURAL REMIX 比賽中勝出。她於2014年受「樂心中樂團」委約創作聲音景觀音樂<淼渺>,費用由香港作曲家及作詞家協會贊助。作品<零零>入圍「音樂新一代2015」及「心樂集2016」。作品<In June>則在美國Nief-Norf 2015音樂節中演出。

除器樂音樂外,她亦有為電影、話劇及舞蹈等不同媒體藝術創作音樂。2014年,她為M21微電影比賽的最佳微電影<Dummy>作配樂。 2015年初,她參與「樂心中樂團」舉辦以音樂、舞蹈、電影為藝術媒介的跨媒體音樂會。同年,陳氏舉辦「音樂拼圖 - 以新音樂拼砌生活點滴」音樂會,以具創意及互動的方式介紹新音樂,受觀眾好評。

陳氏亦有創作流行音樂,現為火聲唱片的作曲及填詞人。她創作的歌曲在電台廣播,並在各音樂平台有售,如iTunes, KKbox, OMusic 等。 此外,她亦為「動人心弦」、「MaD創不同」及台灣樂團「頑樂樂團」的合作伙伴。

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