CHAN Sze-rok
Currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Music at the University of Hong Kong, Chan Sze-rok is pursuing a composition research programme under the supervision of Prof. Chan Hing-yan. She obtained her Bachelor’s and MPhil degrees from the same university. She was awarded the best composition at the New Generation in 2005 and won the first prize at the International Music Competition Jeunesses Musicales Bucharest in Romania in the same year. Her commissioned works include an orchestral piece composed for the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, a trio for RTHK Radio 4, a quintet for Musicarama and a string quartet for Szymanowski Quartet.
Apart from music, her interest in theatre brought her opportunities to work with All Theatre Art Association (ATAA). In 2010, she composed for and performed live music on stage as a character in ATAA’s multimedia theatre production "E-Garden". Her latest collaboration with the group were "Fool La La" in 2012 and "Spiral of Life" in 2013, and for both of these multimedia productions she composed music as the music director. Through the years, she has been actively scoring music for independent films and documentaries.
現於香港大學攻讀博士學位,師隨陳慶恩教授主修作曲,已分別於2003及2006年修畢文學士及哲學碩士學位。 年幼時已開始學習多項樂器,包括鋼琴、長笛、小號及伸縮號。創作多以西方音樂及世界民族音樂特色糅合見稱。先後獲得由「音樂新一代」頒發的最佳作品及於羅馬尼亞舉辦的 International Music Competition Jeunesses Musicales Bucharest贏得作曲冠軍。獲委約的作品包括為香港小交響樂團、香港電台第四台、音樂新文化及齊瑪諾夫斯基四重奏創作曲目。除了在音樂的發展外,希望藉著音樂創作參與劇場製作;於2010年初次與全劇場合作,為多媒體劇場《極樂花園》作曲,並在參與演出劇中一角時現場演奏,及後又為《Fool La La》及《忘靈之境》擔任音樂總監及作曲。一直致力為獨立電影及紀錄片配樂。
Western Orchestra
Prelude to the Forbidden Land (2005) [10'00]
In Search of Lost Time (2016) [2’00”] for string quartet
The Bearded Princess (2011) [14’00”] for alto saxophone, flute, bassoon, cello and amplified piano
Dream Sketches (2006) [10'00”] for clarinet, cello and amplified piano
Elegy to the Victims of Andaman Sea (2005) [10’00”] for soprano, clarinet, cello and guitar
Arias and Ostinatos of Celestial Ocean (2005) [13’00”] for flute and amplified piano
Spiral of Life (2013) [90’00”]
Fool La La (2012) [90’00”]
E-Garden (2010) [90’00”]