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Lee Cheng is an interdisciplinary artist-teacher and researcher. His research and artistic interest interdisciplinarize music, technology, education, immersive and interactive media, digital and sonic arts, law and policy. 


His works have been featured as part of, amongst others, International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA), International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), World Stage Design, and Mana Contemporary Chicago; his research articles have been published by top-ranked journals including Music Education Research, Journal of Knowledge Management, Technology, Pedagogy and Education. Cheng received his Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Law, Postgraduate Diploma in Education, Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Business Administration from The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). He also attained the LTCL for flute (Distinction) and LMusTCL at London Trinity College, and DipABRSM (Principles of Instrumental Teaching) at Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM). 


He is currently working as Assistant Professor of the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts at The Education University of Hong Kong. He is currently serving as Convenor of the Music Technology Special Interest Group at International Society for Music Education (ISME), Theory Examiner of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM), and Arts Education Examiner of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC).



鄭氏畢業於香港大學及香港教育大學,獲頒工商管理學士(資訊科技)、工程學士(電腦科學)、學位教師教育深造文憑(專業及職業教育)、法律碩士(信息技術知識產權法)及哲學博士(科技及音樂教育)學位 ,亦於 2013 年及 2011 年考獲聖三一音樂學院長笛高級演奏文憑(LTCL)及音樂理論高級文憑(LMusTCL)並取得優異(Distinction)成績。



  • Shanshui 山水 (for flute and interactive media)

  • Sound Map V (for MIDI keyboard & audio samples)

  • DingDing 叮叮 (for violin, viola, cello, piano with tape)

  • Canonic (graphic score for 12 players)

  • Sketch of Tai Nan Street 大南街剪影 (for bass clarinet, viola, double bass)

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