CHIU Hok-man Elena
Pianist-composer Elena Chiu is a highly versatile and vibrant musician. Her adventurous composition pursuits are honed by performing a diverse repertoire at various international platforms. Her ‘Tango’ won the Italy (Treviso) International Contemporary Music Competition in 2012. In recent years, Elena has performed at main concert venues in England, including the BBC Proms and Aldeburgh Festival. Elena graduated from the Royal Academy of Music in London with MMus piano performance and LRAM in distinction. She then received her doctorate degree in music composition at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, under the supervision of Professor Victor Chan.
Elena's works have been featured at notable festivals and conferences, such as the Royal Academy of Music Summer Piano Festival, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Musicarama, the Asian Composers' League Conference and Festival and many more; her music was performed by the Hong Kong Oratorio Society, Die Konzertisten, Ponte Singers and Orchestra, Taipei Chamber Singers, Anonymous Quartet, Phoenix Quartet, Hong Kong Strings, St. John's Cathedral Choir, Hong Kong Hymn Society, to name a few. Elena's selected choral music is published by the Hong Kong Children's Choir and Alpha & Omega Company. In 2016, Elena worked as composer-in-residence at the Dixie State University in Utah; she was a choir trainer, both as pianist and composer, at the Children’s International Voices of Enfield during her time in London.
趙學文,新一代鋼琴家兼作曲家。憑其全面的技巧和過人創意於國際比賽中屢獲殊榮,曾獲意大利當代音樂 (2012年) 國際作曲比賽冠軍。 英國著名作曲家暨鋼琴家杜格拉斯‧菲泉稱許為「真正的音樂家」,盛讚其獨奏會「引人入勝」。近年,先後於倫敦各大演湊廳演出,並獲邀於英國廣播公司的倫敦夏季逍遙音樂會和奧爾德堡音樂節中演出。趙氏以優異成績於英國皇家音樂學院畢業,取得鋼琴演奏碩士及LRAM文憑,並於中文大學完成音樂作曲博士研究,師隨陳偉光教授。
趙氏的音樂曾在本地及海外發表,包括英國皇家音樂學院夏日消遙鋼琴音樂節、香港藝術節、Musicarama、亞洲作曲家同盟會議及音樂節等,其作品亦曾獲香港聖樂團、Die Konzertisten、本地樂團、台北室內合唱團等團體演奏 , 部分合唱作品並由香港兒童合唱團及Alpha & Omega Company出版。趙氏為美國迪克西州立大學2016年大提琴節的駐校作曲家。在英國期間,趙氏擔任倫敦國際兒童合唱團駐團作曲家及鋼琴伴奏,並參與訓練工作。