LAM Chi-ying Gigi
Lam Chi Ying Gigi graduated a Bachelor of Education (Honors) from Hong Kong Institute of Education(HKIEd). She studied organ under the guidance of Mr. David Paul Werner, during her studies , she has awarded the AIA Foundation and Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships.
Since 2004, she has organized and directed different musical productions, theatre play and performances, including Hong Kong International School (HKIS) , Yao Yuen Chinese Music Association, Joint School Drama Production , Anglican little singers etc. She is also the lyricist and director of the 40thAnniversary musical production of St. Catharine’s’ Secondary School for girsl and 15thanniversary musical production of HKIEd. She has worked as a columnist in English Street of The Hong Kong Economic Times. She is currently working as research assistant in HKIEd , Vice-president of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholars’ Alumni Association, music tutor of the Hong Kong Down’s Syndrome Association and Choir conductor. She is also the preparatory member of Hong Kong Composers’ Guild and Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Limited.
林芝瑛畢業於香港教育學院,主修中學音樂教育,在學期間獲頒香港賽馬會獎學金及AIA foundation 獎學金,全額支助其學士學位課程。畢業後獲教院提供獎學金,留校攻讀文化創意及藝術學系碩士課程。林氏隨David Paul Werner先生學生管風琴,現為Church of Nations及伯大尼小教堂之風琴師和伴奏。
林氏曾為香港經濟日報英語街文化專欄作家,並自2004年起,她與多個本地及海外團體合作,籌辦及導演參與各個音樂會,劇場製作及活動,合作機構包括香港國際學校(HKIS),力行劇社,樂樂國樂團,聯校戲劇製作,晶晶兒童教育集團,聖公會東九龍教區兒童合唱團等, 亦為聖傑靈女子中學四十週年校慶音樂劇《路得》及香港教育學院十五週年原創校慶音樂劇擔任填詞及導演工作。林氏現為教院研究助理,香港賽馬會獎學金基金同學會有限公司副主席, 香港唐氏綜合症協會音樂導師及多個合唱團指揮,林氏亦為香港作曲家聯會(Hong Kong Composers ‘Guild)預備會員及香港作曲家及作詞家協會(CASH)會員。