LAM Hong Chong Adrian
ADRIAN LAM graduated in Mathematics from the Oxford University, where he completed his research The Science of Music: A Mathematical Approach. He obtained his M.Phil in Music from the University of Hong Kong with his thesis Original Compositions: Elements of the Musical Space. He learnt the piano with Eva Lue, Colin Stone and Raymond Fischer and studied music composition with Glynn Jenkins, Christopher Colemen, Christopher Keyes and Joshua Chan. He holds a distinction in LTCL in piano and prizes in performance and composition. VIII Preludes for Pianoforte was awarded the 1stprize in the James Poke Composition Competition in UK in 2000. Astray was awarded the best composition at the 2004 New Generation Composition Competition. Hasty Passer, a commissioned work was premiered and broadcasted in RTHK4 in 2005. Adrian studied, on scholarship, under Miguel Mera and David Matthews at Dartington International Summer School, where Red’s Dream(collaboration with PIXAR) and Five Pieces for String Quartet were premiered. Separated … at the Human Labyrinth of Asakusa Temple was awarded the 1st Prize in Shakuhachi Chamber Music International Competition 2010 and was premiered in Melbourne. Escape! From the Shaded Territory…! was premiered in Tokyo in the same year. “One Day Holiday” was premiered in Osaka in 2011 and the UK in 2012. “Summer Snow”, commissioned by HKCG, was featured at the Musicarama 2012.
Adrian takes a special interest in Mathematics and Music. He established Hon Lam Mathematics and Music Studio and has been regularly invited to teach a course on “mathematics and music” at the Colorado College, US.
林瀚聰取得英國牛津大學數學系的學士學位及香港大學音樂系的哲學碩士學位,並曾發表《以數學的門徑去探究音樂的科學》及《音樂空間之元素》。林氏曾跟隨劉綺華、Colin Stone, 及Raymond Fischer學習鋼琴,Glynn Jenkins 、Christopher Colemen 、Christopher Keyes,及陳錦標學習作曲。林氏於英國聖三一學院鋼琴演奏文憑中取得優異等級,並屢獲演奏及作曲的獎項。林氏的作品《八首鋼琴前奏曲》在英國「James Poke作曲比賽2000」中獲予冠軍;《迷路》在「音樂新一代2004」比賽中獲予最優秀作品;委約作品《一瞬間之旅人》於2005年於香港電台第四台首演及廣播。林氏亦於同年獲Dartington International Summer School UK予奬學金跟隨Miguel Mera 及 David Matthews修讀電影音樂及古典作曲,完成《明星夢》及《五首弦樂四重奏》,並在英國首演。《三百三十三日的約定…失散在…淺草寺的人海迷宮》獲「2010國際尺八室樂創作比賽冠軍」,並在墨爾本首演;同年《突破!從一個沒有白天的王國…!》於東京公開演出; 《一日の遊》於2011年在大阪及2012年於香港藝術中心及英國牛津大學公開演出;委約作品《盛夏之雪》於香港大會堂「音樂新文化2012」公開首演。
Summer Snow盛夏之雪 (2012) 11’ for Choir (SATB) and Small Ensemble (Piccolo, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Piano, Violin I, Violin II, Viola, Cello, Double Bass)
Hong Kong Silhouette剪影|香港 (2012) 2’ for Clarinet, Cello, Piano
Coda…Farewell from the Spring Violet再别…春天的紫蘿蘭 (2011) 8’ for String Quartet
One Day Holiday一日の遊 (2011) 12’ duet for Shakuhachi & Piano
Separated… from the Human Labyrinth of Asakusa Temple三百三十三日的約定…失散在…淺草寺的人海迷宮 (2010) 12’ for Shakuhachi, Violin, Cello, Piano
So I am Here Again故地重遊 (2010) 6’ for SATB
Momentary Pleasure瞬間之快感 (2010) 2’ for piano
The Creativity of Exercise習作裡的創作 (2009) 20’ for piano
Suite “Rain” 雨之組曲 (2008) 20’ for piano
A New Dimension繼往開來 (2008) 3’ for orchestra
Deep in my Hallucination憧憬…錯覺的深處 (2007) 8’ Trio for Flute, Violin and Piano
Duo Fugues兩首賦格曲 (2006) 6’ for piano
Stranger陌路人 (2006) 6’ for guitar
Colour Occultation色彩之幻滅 (2006) 5’ for flute, Clarinet, Cello, Piano
Hasty Passer一瞬間之旅人 (2005) 8’ for Soprano, Tenor, Clarinet, Guitar, Cello
5 Pieces為四重弦樂而作之五首小品 (2005) 10’ for String Quartet
Red’s Dream明星夢 (2005) 4’ for Orchestra + Multimedia
Rainbow Fantasy彩虹…夢想之國度 (2005) 5’ for orchestra
Escape! From the Shaded Territory…! 突破…從一個沒有白天的王國…!(2005) 8’ Duet for Flute & Piano
Disappearing Shadow消失之影子 (2004) 8’ for piano
Astray迷路 (2004) 8’ Trio for Clarinet, Cello & Piano
Fantasia No. 6第六號狂想曲 (2003) 5’ for piano
Fantasia No. 5第五號狂想曲 (2002) 5’ for piano
Fantasia No. 4 “Hope” 第四號狂想曲 “希望”(2001) 5’ for piano
Fantasia No. 3第三號狂想曲 (2000) 5’ for piano
Reve入夢 (2000) 12’ for Orchestra
VIII Preludes pour le Piano八首前奏曲 (2000) 16’ for piano
Mass Spectrometer質量之分譜 (1999) 20’ for orchestra
Fantasia No. 2第二號狂想曲 (1998) 5’ for piano
Hummingbirds in Spring喜鵲迎春 (1998) 8’ Concerto for Yangqin
Fantasia No. 1第一號狂想曲 (1998) 5’ for piano