LAU Hiu-lam
Born in Hong Kong, LAU graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) with a Master of Music in 2016, majoring in composition with Dr. Cheung Pui-shan. She has cooperated with different musicians and groups and her works have been premiering in Hong Kong since 2012. In 2016, LAU is awarded the Cecil Leong Scholarship (Postgraduate). And in 2015, LAU was awarded the Lions Joseph Koo Music Foundation Scholarship and the Stella & Bryan Carter Music Scholarship.
LAU graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2014, with the Bachelor degree in Arts (Hons) (Composition and music production). She had studied with Prof. Christopher Keyes and Dr. Christopher Coleman. Lau is also a pianist and was awarded the LTCL in Piano Recital in 2013.
LAU is an all-rounded and innovative composer. She has composed different kinds of music such as orchestral works, chamber works, choral works and electronic music. LAU also composes music with multimedia, such as images and videos; and also pop songs and hymns. Besides, LAU keens on participating in different kinds of composition competitions. She attended the RTHK New Generation 2013. And in July 2013, LAU won the championship of a song competition which was held by Christian Nationals’ Evangelism Commission.
Apart from compositions, LAU is currently being a conductor in primary school, elderly center and also the CNEC Sweet Aroma Church Choir. During her studies at HKBU, LAU was a member of Cantoria Hong Kong. She joined the concerts tour and performed in the National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing in 2012, the Xixiang Hall in Shenzhen in 2013, and universities in Taiwan in 2014.
劉氏在香港出生,於2016年取得香港演藝學院音樂碩士學位,主修作曲,師承 張珮珊博士。由2012年開始,劉氏跟不同的音樂家合作,演出過不少作品。劉氏於2016年獲頒「梁思豪獎學金」,於 2015年獲頒「獅子會與顧嘉輝音樂基金作曲獎學金」及「郭博仁伉儷獎學金」。
劉氏於2014年取得香港浸會大學學士學位(榮譽),主修作曲及音樂製作,師承 祈道褘博士及高爾文博士。 劉氏自幼學習鋼琴,並於2013年考獲倫敦聖三一學院六級音樂演奏文憑(鋼琴)資格(LTCL Recital)。
Western Orchestra
50000 Quoaor 創神星 (2016) [11’15”] for 3, 2, 2, 2 – 4, 2, 2, 1, timp, perc, hp, str
Invisible Shackles 影。銬 (2018) [3’30”] for Wind Quintet
The Light Of Fireflies 螢焰 (2015) [10’6”] for pipa, erhu, flute, cello and western percussion
Dust-And dedicated to F 風塵-兼贈F君 (2014) [11’30”] for mezzo soprano, flute, cello and piano
Disturbance 紊亂 (2014) [10’] for string quartet
Ordered Chaos (2013) [8’] for percussion trio
Tea Break Finished?! (2013) [1’22”] for chamber orchestra
Instrumental Solo
Innermost World 內心世界 (2016) [10’03”] for percussion solo
Lagoon (2013) [3’30”] for piano
Fairy Dust (2012) [1’42”] for piano
Fluctuation (2012) [2’11”] for piano
Fugue in C (2011) [2’03”] for piano
Humor Rag (2011) [2’55”] for piano
Vocal/ Choral
A Quatrain on Summer Days 夏日絕句 (2018) [3’54”] for a soprano solo with piano accompaniment
Just Three Words (2013) [4’30”] for SATB and percussion
Electronic/ Electroacoustic Music
Serendipity 偶然 (2015) [9’5”] for voice and electronics (Ableton Live)
Seasons 季 (2014) [14’20”] for erhu, vibraphone, percussion and tape
The world is full of… (2014) [7’28”] for voice and electronics (Ableton Live)
The First Contact (2012) [3’55”] for piano and tape
Revert to Purity 歸回 (2016) [19’] for music, dance, video and lighting
Pollution (2013) [4’11”] for tape and images
Film Scoring
Commercial Music
《為何會這樣》(2020) [4’48”] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=do8BDcTwt4E
《復刻時代》(2018) [4’18”] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tmLUmGj_J4
中華傳道會七十週年主題曲創作比賽-冠軍《合一拓展新境界》(2013) [3’30”] https://youtu.be/0n70dqrNvWA