LEE Kar-tai Phoebus
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Dr. Lee Kar-tai Phoebus is an active composer, contemporary-music researcher, and educator. His music have been performed in numerous international music festivals and conferences. He writes music for concerts, multimedia-staged performances, dances, galleries and exhibitions, short films and movies. His music has always been described as poetic and refined by listeners. His music often suggests inspirations from oriental aesthetics, philosophies, and classic literatures, and displays multicultural assimilations and contemporary visions through fine techniques and sophisticated musicality.
Lee attained the Doctor of Music degree at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has been a part-time lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Education University of Hong Kong, a composition tutor at the Hong Kong Art Festival youth programme and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology summer programme, as well as an editorial assistant, music researcher, presenter at RTHK Radio 4. He has been teaching music and conducting composition programmes at universities, colleges and schools, giving workshops and lectures to school teachers, students, and the general public, serving as an adjudicators at music festivals and competitions, and being a writer for compositional teaching materials.
At various occasions, he also performs as a choral, orchestral or chamber-music conductor, harpsichordist, organist, and pianist on both traditional and contemporary works.
Western Orchestra
Nocturne (2013) 7'
for Symphonic WindsCanvas (2012) 10'
for large orchestra – – Timp.+3 Perc. – 2 Hp – Pn – - Montage for Large Orchestra in 100 Seconds (2011) 100" – – Timp.+4 Perc. – Hp – Pn – StringsCarnival (2009) 4'
for symphonic bandSpring Flowers, Autumn Leaves, Summer Rain, Winter Snow (2008) 7'30"
for orchestra and boys choir
Large Chamber
Yearning . Sober Anguish (2012) 4'
for 12 musicians
(fl., ob., cl., bsn., tpt., hn., perc., pno., vln., vla., vc., db.)The Reminiscence of Foliage Silhouette (2012) 8'
for 10 musiciansThe Dirge of Remnant Florets (2010) 5'
for 9 musicians
(fl., ob., cl., hn., bsn., 2 vln., vl., vc.)Cerulean Spectrum (2009) 7'
for string octetOpus 18b (2007) 7'
for 18 musicians
Creative Musicking (2015) 5'
for string quartetBetter Half (2014) 9' - 12'
for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, and pianoEverlasting is the Moon (2014) 7'30"
for violin and violaDeliquenscence (2013) 10'
for percussion trioA Mirror of Clouds (2012) 6'
for 4 violins and pianoHalf Glass of Water (2011) 6'30"
for wind quintetA Lagoon of Clouds (2011) 6'
for flute, clarinet, violin, viola, and pianoIn the Labyrinth of Stained Glass Mosaic (2011) 6'
for Bang On A Can All-Stars (clarinet, cello, double bass, electric guitar, piano, percussion)Arid Branches Resound (2010) 4'30"
for flute, oboe, horn, viola, cello, and pianoCeladon (2009) 4'
for clarinet, guzheng, and vibraphonePercussion Quartet (2009) 11'
Paper . Jolt and Gu . Zheng (2008) 10'
for female voice, Chinese drum daigu, and guzhengSognando (2007) 18'30"
for flute, violin, viola, piano, organ, and percussionMeditation (2007) 3'30"
for violin, recorder, and piano
Instrumental Solo
Pyrus Flower in Rain (2010) 7'
for pianoFantasy and Celebration (2010) 8'
for organScar (2010) 11'
for double bassThousand Piano for piano and MAX/MSP (2008) 6' 17 Piano Works
Vocal / Choral
Flying Dreams (2015) 3’
for speech choirOn the White Stork Tower (2014) 3'30"
for SATB and pianoNostalgia in Four Rhymes (2013) 5'40"
for SATB and pianoNostalgia in Four Rhymes (2013) 5'40"
for soprano/tenor and pianoTo Actuate (2010) 5'
for speech choirA Recitation on Vegetables and Fruits (2010) 3'30"
for speech choirI’m a Goldfish in a Globe (2010) 2'
for UMS n’ JIP (tenor and recorder)Dews on Bamboo Leaves (2010) 4'30"
for SSAATTBB a capella
A Little Match That Sparkles (2014) 30"
for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, double bass and pianoLamma Winds (2013) 81"
for bass clarinet, double bass and pianoQuiet Carriage / Susurrus (2012) 1'
for bass clarinet, cello and pianoI’m a Goldfish in a Globe (2010) 2'
for UMS n’ JIP (tenor and recorder)
HKIEd 20th Anniversary Tan Poetry Choral Project (2015) / HUGO Productions (HK) Ltd. LPCD1630-7343
On the White Stork Tower
for SATB and piano詩人的繆思-余光中詩作聲樂專輯(2014)
(trans.: Muse of the Poet – Music for Poems’ by Yu Kwong-chung) / HUGO Productions (HK) Ltd. HK2530-2Nostalgia in Four Rhymes
for tenor and pianoResonating Colours: Chamber Work (2013) / Published by Hong Kong Composers’ Guild Ltd.
A Lagoon of Clouds
for flute, clarinet, violin, viola, and piano
管弦樂 (西樂)
夜 (2013) 7'
為銅管樂團而寫畫布 (2012) 10'
為大型管弦樂團而寫 – – Timp.+3 Perc. – 2 Hp – Pn –悸動 (2011) 100"
為大型管弦樂團而寫的一百秒作品 – – Timp.+4 Perc. – Hp – Pn – Strings嘉年華 (2009) 4'
為銅管樂團而寫春花秋葉、夏雨冬雪 (2008) 7'30"
魂牽夢縈 (2012) 4'
(fl., ob., cl., bsn., tpt., hn., perc., pno., vln., vla., vc., db.)The Reminiscence of Foliage Silhouette (2012) 8'
為十人室樂合奏而寫殘花恨韻 (2010) 5'
(fl., ob., cl., hn., bsn., 2 vln., vl., vc.)蔚藍光譜 (2009) 7'
為弦樂八重奏而寫Opus 18b (2007) 7'
弦樂四重奏的創意律動 (2015) 5'
另一半 (2014) 9' - 12'
為長笛、單簧管、小提琴、大提琴與鋼琴而寫攸然是玉京 (2014) 7'30"
為小提琴與中提琴而寫Deliquenscence (2013) 10'
為敲擊樂三重奏而寫雲鏡 (2012) 6'
為四部小提琴與鋼琴而寫半杯水 (2011) 6'30"
為銅管樂五重奏而寫雲泊 (2011) 6'
為長笛、單簧管、小提琴、中提琴與鋼琴而寫碎彩迷圖 (2011) 6'
為 Bang On A Can All-Stars(單簧管、大提琴、低音大提琴、電結他、鋼琴、敲擊樂)而寫枯丫嘯鳴 (2010) 4'30"
為長笛、雙簧管、圓號、中提琴、大提琴與鋼琴而寫青瓷 (2009) 4'
為單簧管、古箏與顫音琴而寫敲擊樂四重奏 (2009) 11'
《紙 · 驚》與《鼓·箏》 (2008) 10'
為女聲、中國大鼓與古箏而寫如夢 (2007) 18'30"
為長笛、小提琴、中提琴、鋼琴、管風琴與敲擊樂而寫沉思 (2007) 3'30"
夜雷細雨打梨花,靜聽微風響叮鈴 (2010) 7'
鋼琴獨奏Fantasy and Celebration (2010) 8'
管風琴獨奏痕 (2010) 11'
低音大提琴獨奏千琴 (2008) 6'
鋼琴配以 MAX/MSP獨奏鋼琴作品十七首
聲樂 / 合唱
夢想飛航 (2015) 3'
為動感聲藝團而寫登鶴雀樓 (2014) 3'30"
為四部混聲合唱團與鋼琴而寫鄉愁四韻 (2013) 5'40"
為四部混聲合唱團與鋼琴而寫鄉愁四韻 (2013) 5'40"
為女高音/男高音與鋼琴而寫啟動 (2010) 5'
為動感聲藝團而寫蔬果誦 (2010) 3'30"
為動感聲藝團而寫我是魚缸裏的小金魚 (2010) 2'
為UMS n’ JIP(男高音與牧笛)而寫竹露 (2010) 4'30"
A Little Match That Sparkles (2014) 30"
為長笛、單簧管、小提琴、大提琴、低音大提琴與鋼琴而寫南丫風 (2013) 81"
為低音單簧管、低音大提琴與鋼琴而寫靜音車箱 / 唧唧咕咕 (2012) 1'
為低音單簧管、大提琴與鋼琴而寫我是魚缸裏的小金魚 (2010) 2'
為UMS n’ JIP(男高音與牧笛)而寫
詩樂共融-唐詩新曲原創合唱系列 (2015) 雨果LPCD1630-7343
為四部混聲合唱團與鋼琴而寫詩人的繆思-余光中詩作聲樂專輯(2014) 雨果HK2530-2
為男高音與鋼琴而寫原音幻彩1:香港作曲家室樂作品(2013) 香港作曲家聯會出版