LEE Pui-shan Sandy
Sandy was born in Hong Kong. She is active in music composition, arrangements and creative music education. After graduating from Hong Kong Baptist University and Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, she established her own studio “Sandy’s Musical” which produced children creative shows at Shenzhen. As a music educator, she leads her students participate in Schools Creative Music Showcase, Schools Speech Choir Showcase and Composition Workshops run by EDB and LCSD.
Sandy was cooperating with Hong Kong Education University. Her handbell composition “Drunk Horse in the Moon” was performed by EdUHK Handbell Ensemble at the 18th International Handbell Symposium in Cairns 2018. Studio theatre work “World of Flowers” was performed the following year at Ko Shan Theatre. Her trilingual choral work “Visiting the Ancient Plain of Leyou” was premiered by Sacred Heart Canossian College in 2019. A cappella work “One Step” was premiered by Sregnis Singers at 2020 Hong Kong Contemporary Music Festival: Asian Delights.
李佩珊生於香港,活躍於音樂創作及編曲,對培育年青一代的藝術創意尤為熱衷。她獲取香港浸會大學榮譽音樂學士學位及香港演藝學院作曲專業文憑後,於2008年成立工作坊「新的音樂—Sandy’s Musical」,在本港及深圳推動兒童音樂創作。除了擔任音樂事務處創作課程講者,李氏曾帶領多間中、小學參與香港教育局主辦的「學校音樂創藝展」及「學校動感聲藝展」,屢獲佳績。
李氏經常與本港年青新秀合作,她為香港教育大學手鈴隊創作的《醉馬賞月》於2018年澳洲開恩茲擧行的國際手鈴音樂節中發表,次年,多媒體劇場《花花世界》在高山劇場上演;融合傳統詩詞及現代樂思的合唱作品 《登樂遊原》將於香港作曲家聯會主辨的「詩詞傳頌音樂會」中由嘉諾撒聖心書院合唱團首演;無伴奏合唱作品《一步》在香港當代音樂節:亞洲薈萃中發表,由合唱俠演出。
Winds (1998) 6'30"
Cocoon (1998) 7' for cl, pf, perc, vn, va & db
Triad (1996) 10' for fl, cl, pf, vn & vc
The Pain (1996) 6'30" for bn, 2 vn, va & vc
Circle (1993) 10' for fl, cl, pf, 2 perc & vn
One Step (2020) 4’57” for 8-part SATB chorus
Visiting the Asian Plain of Leyou (2019) 4’45” for 3-part female chorus & pf
Crow (2002) 3' 30" for 3-part children chorus (senior primary school), 3 actors & pf
Eternal Life (2002) 3' for 3-part female chorus & pf
Pa-pa Ma-ma Gee-Lee-Gua-La (2001) 2' for 2-part children chorus (junior primary school), pf & perc
Handbell Choir
World of Flowers (2019) 5’ for 5-6 octaves handbell chorus
Drunk Horse in the Moon (2018) 6’ for 5-6 octaves handbell chorus
Electronic Music
Fine Tuning (1997) 6' for cl & tape
Musical for Children
See you Tommorrow (2019)
Take a Seat (2016)
Naughty Boy and the Sea (1995)
Drun Flying (1998) 8' for 2 dancers, synthesizer & lighting
Guess (1997) 3' for 3 actors & tape
Shak Chung Shan Memorial Catholic Primary School Anthem (1999) 2'
滾滾風塵 (1998) 6'30"
破繭 (1998) 7'
for cl, pf, perc, vn, va & dbTriad (1996) 10'
for fl, cl, pf, vn & vc痛苦 (1996) 6'30"
for bn, 2 vn, va & vc反璞歸真 (1993) 10'
for fl, cl, pf, 2 perc & vn
烏鴉 (2002) 3' 30"
for 3-part children chorus (senior primary school), 3 actors & pf永恆的生命 (2002) 3'
for 3-part female chorus & pf爸爸媽媽Gee-Lee-Gua-La (2001) 2'
for 2-part children chorus (junior primary school), pf & perc
微音調 (1997) 6'
for cl & tape
哪叱鬧東海 (1995)
鼓舞飄 (1998) 8'
for 2 dancers, synthesizer & lighting猜 (1997) 3'
for 3 actors & tape
天主教石鐘山紀念小學校歌 (1999) 2'
「爸爸媽媽Gee-Lee-Gua-La.」 載於《童聲合唱歌曲創作大賽得獎作品集》頁67-72。香港:童聲合唱協會,2001年。