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LEE Yin-ping#

Ms Lee has received her Bachelor of Education in Music education, Master of Arts in Music education  and The Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (Music) from The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) . Also she was awarded Licentiate of Trinity College London (LTCL) in Piano with Distinction and Associate Diploma (ATCL) in Piano with Merit. In 2012, she obtained a Licentiate Diploma in Musical Theory, Criticism and Literature of the Trinity College London (LMusTCL).

Lee's teachers include Professor Richard Tsang, Mr. Hui Cheung-wai, Dr. Samuel Tam, Dr. Donald Yu, Mr. Ng Sheng-chung, Ms. Stella Wong, Mr. Ma Cong pianist .

Lee was the recipient of the 2009 Artistic Excellence Award in Composition presented by EdUHK. Her works include solo, vocal, chamber music and orchestral work etc. Lee’s musical works have been performed in the composition workshops of Professor Chinary Ung, Professor Elliott Schwartz and Professor Richard Tsang.

李氏 ‬於香港教育大學先後修畢音樂教育榮譽學士(當代音樂及演奏教育學)、音樂教育文學碩士(主修作曲)及學位教師教育文憑(小學)(主修音樂及副修特殊教育),她以優異成績考獲聖三一音樂學院鋼琴高級演奏文憑(LTCL)、聖三一音樂學院鋼琴演奏文憑(ATCL)及音樂理論高級文憑(LMusTCL)。

李氏於在學其間師隨作曲家曾葉發教授、許翔威先生、黎尚冰博士、譚展輝博士及余文正博士學習作曲,並跟隨鋼琴家伍盛中、馬聰先生、黃秀婷小姐學習鋼琴。她於2009年香港教育學院體藝學系主辦的優秀藝術比賽獲得優秀作曲獎,其作品類型有獨奏、聲樂、室樂及管弦樂等,作品曾於Professor Chinary Ung 、Professor Elliott Schwartz 、及曾葉發教授的作曲工作坊演出。



  • 迷茫 ( confusion) for solo violin , clarinet and percussions 6"

  • Trio no.1 for solo violin, cello and piano 6"

  • Trio no.2 for solo violin, clarinet and piano 6:30" (2012)

  • Apparition for 2 violins, solo flute, cello and piano 6:30" (2012)


  • Piano sonata 6” (2013)

  • 永夜 for solo  soprano and piano 6" (2010)

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