LEUNG Chi-hin
Dr. Chi-hin Leung was born in a metropolitan city - Hong Kong. With diverse cultural background, his compositions mix with both East and West thoughts, and with special interests in timbral and textural explorations. Leung’s compositions and recordings are published by Schott Music (Germany), MOECK (Germany), Edition HH (U.K.), PARMA Recordings (U.S.), From the Top Music (U.S.), Oxford University Press (China) and Hong Kong Composers’ Guild. His works have been featured by ISCM World New Music Days, UNESCO International “Arts for Peace” Festival, International Rostrum of Composers, International Electronic Music Week, World Choir Games, International Handbell Symposium, ISME World Conference on Music Education, Asian Recorder Festival, Singapore Saxophone Symposium, Summa Cum Laude International Youth Music Festival Vienna, Taipei Traditional Arts Festival, Musicarama, Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and many. He is currently a lecturer at the Education University of Hong Kong.
梁智軒博士生於國際大都會-香港。受其多樣性的文化背景所影響,梁氏的創作揉合東方和西方的思想,亦特別熱衷於音色與織體的探索。 他的作品及錄音由Schott Music(德國)、MOECK(德國)、Edition HH(英國)、PARMA Recordings(美國)、From The Top Music(美國)及牛津大學出版社(中國)出版。梁氏的作品曾於多個國際音樂節中演出,包括國際現代音樂節(ISCM)、聯合國教科文組織「國際和平藝術節」、國際作曲家交流會議(IRC)、國際電子音樂周(EMW)、世界合唱比賽、世界手鈴大會、國際音樂教育協會(ISME)、亞洲木笛節、新加坡蕯克斯風國際研討會、維也納青少年音樂節、台北傳統藝術節、音樂新文化及香港學校音樂節等。梁氏現為香港教育大學講師 。
Orchestral (Western)
Blank Shadow (2009) 6'
for 1fl, 1ob, 1cl, 1bsn, 1hn, 1perc, vn I, vn II, vla, vc, dbWhirling in the Ocean (2008) 6'
for 1fl, 1ob, 1cl, 1bsn, 1hn, vn I, vn II, vla, vc, dbConcert Overture (2007) 5'
for orchestra
Chamber (Western)
A Drop in the Ocean (2009) 6'
for cl, vn, vc, pfThe Colors of Peace (2009) 9'
for handbell and handchimeFeng Qing Yun Dan (2009) 9’30”
for recorder quartetVariations on the theme of It's a Small World (2009) 4'
for handbell and handchimeThe Victoria (2007) 4'
for handbell and handchimeBrazing Snow (2007) 6'30"
for ob, cl & bsnBrazing Snow (2007) 6'30"
for Bb picc. tpt, C tpt, Bb tpt, horn, tbm, euph & tbaDeep Ocean (2007) 7'30"
for cl, vc & pfDance of the Clown (2006) 4'30"
for vn, vc & pfTrio in D minor (2006) 5'
for vn, vc & pfString Quartet No.1 (Reminiscence) (2005) 5'
for string quartet
Chamber (Chinese)
Thousands of Pearly Drops (2008) 5'
for ruan quartet (gaoruan, xiaoruan zhongruan and daruan)Heart Strings (2006) 4'30"
for ehru, 2 pipas, 2 ruans & 2 zhengs
Chamber (Mixed)
Music of the Land (2009) 6'
for cl, vc, sh, zh, perc
Vocal / Choral
New Hong Kong Poem (2007) 3'
for voice & pfScout (2007) 2'
for voice & pfWind Chime (2007) 6'
for soprano, baritone, handbell, perc & pfWind Chime (2006) 6'
for SATB, handbell, perc & pf
Music for Theatre / Drama
Dance in the 70s from Step on the Way (2009) 2'
for pop bandHand-in-hand from Step on the Way (2009) 3'
for voice, pop bandNetwork Symphony from musical Change (2008) 4'
for voice, orchestraToy World from musical Change (2008) 3'
for voice, pfEvening from musical Change (2008) 3'
for voice, pfNetwork Symphony Finale from musical Change (2008) 4'
for voice, orchestraEvening from drama San Mei (2008) 3'
for pfDark from drama San Mei (2008) 3'
for pf
Multimedia / Installation
Wind Chime (2008) 6'
for SATB, handbell, perc, pf, movements, hand signs
管弦樂 (西樂)
空影 (2009) 6'
for 1fl, 1ob, 1cl, 1bsn, 1hn, 1perc, vn I, vn II, vla, vc, db迴旋.海 (2008) 6'
for 1fl, 1ob, 1cl, 1bsn, 1hn, vn I, vn II, vla, vc, db音樂會序曲 (2007) 5'
for orchestra
室樂 (西樂)
深海一滴 (2009) 6'
for cl, vn, vc, pf平和之色 (2009) 9'
for handbell and handchime風輕雲淡 (2009) 9’30”
for recorder quartet世界真細小變奏曲 (2009) 4'
for handbell and handchime幻彩維港 (2007) 4'
for handbell & handchime焰雪 (2007) 6'30"
for ob, cl & bsn焰雪 (2007) 6'30"
for Bb picc. tpt, C tpt, Bb tpt, horn, tbm, euph & tba心海 (2007) 7'30"
for cl, vc & pf小丑之舞 (2006) 4'30"
for vn, vc & pfD小調三重奏 (2006) 5'
for vn, vc & pf第一號弦樂四重奏〈回憶〉 (2005) 5'
for string quartet
室樂 (中樂)
點滴萬千 (2008) 5'
for ruan quartet (gaoruan, xiaoruan zhongruan and daruan)心弦 (2006) 4'30"
for ehru, 2 pipas, 2 ruans & 2 zhengs
室樂 (混合)
天韻 (2009) 6'
for cl, vc, sh, zh, perc
聲樂 / 合唱
新香港頌 (2007) 3'
for voice & pf童軍與我 (2007) 2'
for voice & pf風鈴 (2007) 6'
for soprano, baritone, handbell, perc & pf風鈴 (2006) 6'
for SATB, handbell, perc & pf
舞動於七十年代(選自《青少年暑期創藝體驗展現Show》)(2009) 2'
for pop band牽著手(選自《青少年暑期創藝體驗展現Show》)(2009) 3'
for voice, pop band網絡交響(選自音樂劇《換.一玩》)(2008) 4'
for voice, orchestra玩具樂園(選自音樂劇《換.一玩》)(2008) 3'
for voice, pf黃昏(選自音樂劇《換.一玩》)(2008) 3'
for voice, pf網絡交響終曲(選自音樂劇《換.一玩》) (2008) 4'
for voice, orchestra暗黑(選自舞台劇《三妹》)(2008) 3'
for pf黃昏(選自舞台劇《三妹》)(2008) 3'
for pf
多媒體音樂 / 裝置音樂
風鈴 (2008) 6'
for SATB, handbell, perc, pf, movements, hand signs