LEUNG Ka-tung Tony#
Tony K.T. Leung’s compositions have been performed and broadcast in Australia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Hong Kong, Korea, Luxembourg, Ukraine, the USA and Canada by leading contemporary music ensembles. Recordings of works by the composer include CD releases from Luxembourg Sinfonietta, ERMMedia, and Canadian Electroacoustic Community.
Born in Hong Kong, Tony discovered music through his first instrument, the erhu, and later the cello. As a youth, he arranged music for a Chinese orchestra, which sparked an early interest in western music and composition. From 1989 to 1992, he studied composition privately with University of Toronto Professor Chan Ka Nin. He received further training through workshops with Arraymusic, Conductors Guild, Esprit Orchestra, National Arts Centre, Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra, and New Adventures in Sound Art. Other performers of his music include Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble, Vienna Saxophone Quartet, Motion Ensemble, York Symphony Orchestra, and Regina Symphony Orchestra.
As a conductor, he has directed Hong Kong Juvenile & Youth Chinese Classical Orchestra, Toronto Chinese Orchestra, Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble, and York University Chinese Music Ensemble.
He is currently Composer-in-Residence with the Toronto Chinese Orchestra and Artistic Director of Dim Sum Ensemble.
梁家棟的音樂作品曾被現代著名的樂團演奏,並在澳洲、比利時、丹麥、法國、香港、韓國、盧森堡、烏克蘭、 美國及加拿大播放錄音,其中包括有盧森堡小交響樂團、ERMMedia及加拿大電子原音音樂協會錄制的雷射唱片。
梁家棟出生於香港,其音樂興趣始於二胡,及後的大提琴,年青時代,他為中樂團配樂,因而引起他對西方音樂及作曲的興趣。一九八九年至一九九二年其間,他跟隨多倫多大學陳嘉年教授學習作曲。之後他有機會在著名樂團如Arraymusic、指揮聯會、Esprit樂團、國際藝術中心、雷灣交響樂團及新聲音藝術探險會等繼續學習深造。其他演奏過他的作品的樂團包括溫哥華中華樂團、維也納薩克管四重奏、紐賓士域省的Motion樂團、多倫多約克交響樂團及里賈納交響樂團等。他亦曾在香港青少年國樂團、多倫多中樂團 、溫哥華中華樂團及約克大學中樂團的演出中作指揮。他是多倫多中樂團駐團作曲家及點心絲竹樂團藝術總監。