LEUNG Tai-wai David
LEUNG Tai Wai, David, holders of LRSM in Music Theory and LTCL in Music Composition, has been an active composer in Hong Kong over a decade. He has published more than thirty pieces of music of different genres, including Refined Wisdom, which won the best composition award in the Hong Kong New Generation music competition 2001 and the commissioned work, Conversion for Pipa, Erhu and woodwind quartet, which was broadcasted live in Hong Kong Radio 4. His particular interest is to explore how contemporary music can express meanings. Hence, Mr. Leung put forth this interest to research study in the postgraduate schools of CUHK and HKU after his first honor graduation from HKAPA in composition and electronic music in 2003.
Having finished the study up to the PhD Candidate level of musicology in the Department of Humanities at The University of Hong Kong under the supervisions of Prof. Dr. Giorgio Biancorosso in 2011, David Leung has written extensively on the connotative attribute of music, a subject to which he was drawn both as an active composer himself, and from his studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong where he holds a MPhil in music theory on the topic about Takemitsu’s uses of “sea motive” and “sea of tonality” in 2005, as well as another MPhil in musicology for the thesis “Memory, Aesthetics and Musical Quotation: Four Case Studies in 20th Century Music” in 2007 as a researcher. Apart from composing, David Leung is also interested in Chinese literature and music criticism. He captured the first runner-up of the Hong Kong Music Criticism Competition in 1988 and has published plenty of articles about music appreciation and concert review.
梁大偉在獲取英國皇家音樂學院及倫敦聖三一學院的理論作曲文憑後,就開始音 樂教學工作,並從事音樂創作,發表多首作品,包括管絃樂序曲邁向光榮。梁氏 其後進入香港演藝學院音樂系進修,師隨羅永輝及麥偉鑄教授,主修理論作曲及 電子音樂。其作品靈智更獲得音樂新一代 2001 的最佳作品,並在 2003 年以一級 榮譽畢業。
梁氏畢業後就轉到香港中文大學音樂研究院修讀哲學碩士課程,師隨羅炳良教 授,主修二十世紀音樂理論,專門研究武滿徹的後期作曲風格。在完成其相關論 文後,隨即轉到香港大學,繼續其歷史音樂學的學習,跟隨 Dr. Giorgio Biancorosso 研究現代音樂意義的表達,及有關“音樂引典”在音樂作品中的運用,與其相關美 學,由碩士直至博士研究生候選人的水平。