LIN Livia
Recipient of the 2011 St Botolph Club Foundation Emerging Artist Award, Livia Lin recently received an Honorable Mention in the 2011 International Music Prize for her work Ju, written for Boston Modern Orchestra Project (BMOP) principal oboist Jennifer Slowik. In 2006, with just one year of composition experience under her belt, her woodwind trio received an Honorable Mention in the MTNA Young Artist Composition Competition. Her music has since then been receiving critical acclaims in festivals including the Festival of Women in Arts in New York and the Asian Music Festival in Tokyo.
A talented pianist since a young age, she appeared in the commercially released educational video of world-renowned pianist Liu Shih Kun at just age eight. After attaining LRSM in Piano Performance in 2001, Lin went on to study Music Production & Engineering and Film Scoring at Berklee College of Music in Boston, earning a B.Mus. magna cum laude. She also holds a M.A. in Composition from Tufts University.
For years, Lin has been an active audio engineer. While in Boston, she had participated in production projects of BMOP, Bang On A Can bassist Robert Black, to name a few. She was also the sound engineer of Cambridge Community Chorus and King’s Chapel Choir. Find out more at livialin.weebly.com.
Saint Botolph Club Foundation新晉藝術家獎得主凌崎偵曾於亞洲曲盟音樂節、紐約女性藝術節等發表其作品。自05年開始作曲,凌氏的作品屢獲嘉許,包括在MTNA青年藝術家作曲比賽和國際音樂獎比賽中獲優異獎。凌氏幼年開始習琴,8歲便受邀於《劉詩昆教你彈鋼琴》教材中示範演出。19歲的她以特優成績考獲LRSM鋼琴演奏文憑。凌氏05年赴美入讀柏克理音樂學院,雙主修音樂製作及工程和電影音樂,後來再在塔夫斯大學研習作曲,並取得碩士學位 。旅美期間,凌氏曾參與波士頓現代管弦樂團,以及Lee Hyla、Donald Crockett等作曲家的錄音和後製工作。