NG King-fung Kelvin
Kelvin King Fung NG was born in Hong Kong and has studied in Hong Kong, USA and Austria. His works germinate from the core concern of ourselves as spatially and temporally co-existing beings, structuring available materials to examine conditions and issues arising from such facts at the existential level, such as presence, consciousness and intersubjectivity, and their possible meanings. In this sense they possess a high degree of affinity with philosophical outputs from a.o. Nancy’s being-with and Rancière’s distribution of the sensible, while their immanent problems and solutions are able to be illuminated and formulated with the help of knowledge from a.o. anthropology, embodied cognition, semiotics as well as cultural and spiritual practices. Most of his works recruit the entire audio-visual and cognitive faculty and call for heightened attention and empathetic engagement from the audience.
Western Orchestra
Nidra (2011-2) [12’] for 2, 2, 2, 2 – 2, 2, 1, 1 - 4perc – hp, pf – str
Sammul Seoljanggu 삼물설장구 (2018) [14’] for janggu-dance, crash cymbals and lighting operator
Sonajo (2017) [10’] for vn & haegeum
Fragments, on the bridge (2013) [5’-∞] for vn, va & vc
Tombe de Sommeil (2011) [10’] for fl & pf
meso- (2009) [5’10”] for sheng, cl, perc, guzheng & vc
The Pale Bone from Dragon Spring 粉骨龍泉 (2008) [12’] for fl, cl, vn, vc, perc & pf
Asterisk (2006) [10’] for 2vn, va & vc
Conveyor II – hedonism (2006) [11’] for fl & vc
Conveyor I – determinism (2006) [9’30”] for va & pf
Instrumental Solo
Brief Version of Seoljanggu 짧은설장구 (2021) [15’] for janggu-dance
Seoljanggu 설장구 (2014-8) [24’] for janggu-dance
24 capricci per violino solo da Nicolò Paganini (2014) [10’]
for vn
Toccata (2013) [5’] for ten-sax
Timing and Remembering – I (2010) [12’30”] for va
Scherzo (2005) [9’] for pf
Electronic / Electroacoustic Music
Qin (2010) [5’30”] for electronics
une étude sur la vocalitié (2010) [8’] for vn & Max/MSP
Seas of Ink (2018) [4’] for vn, va, vc, pn & tape video by Tutaj
Tram-ism (2017) [2’30”] for va, vc, pipa, tape video by Anthony Cheng
moments musicaux (2013) [1’30”] for cl, va & kb & picture
Weekend Ritual (2012) [1’] for cl, vn & vc & picture