TAM Ka-shu Kenneth
Tam Ka-shu (Kenneth), based in Hong Kong, draws most of his musical inspiration from the daily auditory experience in his home city. His music is characterized by its complex timbre and its peculiar linearity.
Tam’s works have been performed and have received radio broadcast all over the world, including the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Greece, Mexico, Croatia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mainland China, New Zealand, Turkey and Korea. His works have also been featured in various international events such as the UNESCO International Rostrum of Composers, the International Computer Music Conference, the Asian Composers League Conference, MUSLab Electroacoustic Music International Exhibition and the others. His works cover a wide range of genres, ranging from music for traditional forces to multimedia creations. He has worked with artists and ensembles such as the Arditti Quartet (UK), Ensemble Mise-En (US), the Hanatsu Miroir (France), the Hayley-Laufer Duo (US/Canada), the dissonArt Ensemble (Greece), the RTHK quartet (Hong Kong), the choreographer/dancer Mary Schnepf (USA), and more.
Tam earned his PhD in Music Composition in the University at Buffalo. He completed his Bachelor in Hong Kong Baptist University and his Master in the University of Missouri-Kansas City. His major composition teachers include David Felder, Cort Lippe, James Mobberley, Zhou Long, Chen Yi, Christopher Keyes and Christopher Coleman.
譚氏曾於世界各地發表過作品,他亦積極參與不同的國際論壇及研討會。他曾與多個室樂團及多位藝術家合作,當中不乏一流藝團,例如傳奇弦樂四重奏阿爾迪蒂弦樂四重奏、法國Hanatsu Miroir現代室樂團、香港創樂團等。
譚氏先後於香港浸會大學、美國密蘇里大學堪薩斯分校及紐約州立大學水牛城分校取得音樂系文學士,作曲系音樂碩士及作曲系哲學博士學位。他師從作曲家David Felder, Cort Lippe, 周龍、陳怡、James Mobberley、Paul Rudy、Christopher Keyes及Christopher Coleman。
Sprawl (2020) for guitar, bassoon and cello
Flux (2019) 5’20” for violin, viola and cello
…Into Dirt… (2019) 9’17” for string quartet (* dedicated to the Arditti Quartet)
___-cide (2018) 8’33” for clarinet, trumpet and piano
Perplexing Planes (2018) 7’03” for flute and clarinet in B-flat (* for Hinatsu Miroir)
Manjusaka (2018) 5’01”for Overtone singing and viola
Behind Those Words (2017) 8’37" for clarinet, cello and percussion
String Quartet No.1 – Ideology (2014) 10'13"
Tam-Tam Sonata (2013) 11'45" for tam-tam and piano
Discussion.(Somewhat) Meaningless Sound for somewhat Profound Listeners (2012) 5'09" for oboe, bassoon, violin, viola and double bass
Beyond the Frontier of the Great Wall (I) (2018) 5’27” for SATB Choir and piano
Pie Jesu (2018) 5’27” for Women’s Choir, Oboe and String quartet
Lord. have Mercy (2017) 14’49” for SATB choir
Peter Pan’s Healthy Donut (2016) 5'31" for Children Choir (SSAA)
The Story Begins for a Teddy (2016) 5'43" for Children Choir (SSAA)
Night Song (2015) 5'04" for Children Choir (SSAA)
Ideal Reality (2013) 7'10" for four mixed voice parts
Manjusaka 2.0 for viola, overtone singing and stereo channels
City Story - Flying Sword (2017) 6'05" Stereo / 5.1 channel
Tam-tam Sonata (2013/2015) for live tamtam, pre-recorded or live piano and electronics for 5.1 channels
Wandering in Labyrinth (2013) 7'38" Stereo channels
Magnetized World (2013) 5'22" for stereo track and violin
Vessel of Dream (2012) 4'17" 5.1 channels
Path of Heaven for 12 musicians (2020) for fl, ob, cl, hn, bass tbn, perc, hp, pno, vln, vla, vc, db.
Path of Earth (2019) for flute, clarinet, percussion, piano, violin, viola, cello (* dedicate to ensemble Mise-En)
String Octet No.1 – Spiritual Fermentation (2013) 12'00" for string octet (double string quartet)
Instrumental Solo
Reaction II (2019) 7'16" for violin (*dedicate to Irvine Arditti)
Reaction I (2018) 4'17" for viola
Interdisciplinary Collaborations
As Within So Without (2019) 7’22” for screen dance and stereo channels
Alone (2018) 6’01” for dancer, film and stereo/5.1 channels
Little Hidden Momentum (2015) 2'15" for photographs and String Quartet
Piano Etude (2018) 3’09”
Sudden Moment in a Stripe of Memory (2013) 0'30"
for flute, cello and toy piano
Two little Orchestral Studies (2014) 7'00" for chamber orchestra (2222, 4221, 2P, Harp, Str)
Phoenix Hairpin I (2019) 8’15” for soprano and piano
Darwin's Thought (2015) 12’16” for Soprano and Piano quintet
A Key to Devolution (2012) 8'08" for soprano, 2 trumpets and percussion
大迴環 (2014) (In progress)
管弦樂團 (3333, 4321, 3P, Harp, Str)
兩首管弦樂小品 (2014)
室內樂團 (2222, 4221, 2P, Harp, Str)
第一弦樂四重奏-觀念 (2014)
大鑼奏鳴曲 (2013)
記憶的一隅 (2013)
第一弦樂八重奏-靈釀 (2013)
空廢討論給資深聽眾的無謂聲音 (2012)
烏夜啼-獨上西樓 (2013) 童聲合唱團 (SSA)
理想的現實 (2013) 4個混合聲部
達爾文奇想 (2015) (in progress) 女高音、鋼琴五重奏
退化的索引 (2012) 女高音、兩支小號、敲擊樂
漫步迴廊 (2013) 雙聲道
磁化世界 (2013) 小提琴、雙聲道
夢的導管 (2012) 5.1 聲道