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YUEN Viola

Dr. Viola Yuen is an active composer, arranger, conductor and an A Cappella singer who is enthusiastic about the application of human voices in musical compositions of different styles. Her music displays uniqueness, originality and profound emotions. 

She is currently the composer-in-residence of the Academia de Música S. Pio X, of the Macao Diocese, an adjunct lecturer of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, the Music Director of the Sregnis Singers, the first contemporary A Cappella group in Hong Kong, the founder of the Coro Allegra and Chummy Choir. She is also a member of the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong (C.A.S.H.) and the Membership Secretary of the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild. For the period between 1990 and 2017, she was appointed as the conductor of the Diocesan Choir - Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong and the instructor of a choral conducting course under the Sacred Music Commission, the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong. She was the conductor of the choirs of the Hong Kong Music Institute from 2012 to 2019, the conductor and instructor of the Hang Seng University Sinfonietta and A Cappella Ensemble from 2018 to 2022. 

With the sponsorship of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild published the music score of her nine-part A Cappella works and the recording of another composition “LAMENTOR”, a three-movement music piece written in 2010 for choir and philharmonic orchestra, in a music CD in 2013. The orchestral piece “LAMENTOR” was also chosen as one of the music pieces broadcast in the International Rostrum of Composers, held in Prague of Czech Republic in May 2013. It was well received by the radio reporters and composers from 28 countries attending the event. Her composition “RITE OF DRAGON”, commissioned by the Handbell Association of Hong Kong and sponsored by the C.A.S.H. Music Fund, had its premiere played by six hundred handbell players in the 16th International Handbell Symposium held in Jeju of Korea in August 2014. This music score was also published by the H’ing Publishing (HK) and the Handbell Association of Hong Kong. 

One of her recent music compositions, “STABAT MATER DOLOROSA”, for soprano solo and organ, which was commissioned by the Macao Catholic Culture Association, made its world premiere in the St. Joseph’s Seminary Church at Macau in May 2023. Her recent piano suite, “DUNGEON”, which was commissioned by the Academia Música S. Pio X of Macau, was published by the Macao Diocese, in July 2023. Also, the world premiere of her commissioned choral piece “JESU CHRISTE” for two-part treble voices, soprano solo, string ensemble and piano, was made at the 60th Anniversary Celebration of the Academia Música S. Pio X of Macau in July 2023.

阮慧玲博⼠積極參與⾳樂創作、編曲、指揮、及合唱等⼯作,尤其熱衷於⼈聲作品之 運⽤與創作,其作品⾵格多樣化。

 阮⽒現為澳⾨聖庇護⼗世⾳樂學院駐校作曲家、⾹港演藝學院兼任講師、⾹港⾸隊 當代無伴奏合唱組合「合唱俠」 ⾳樂總監、Coro Allegra 合唱團及 Chummy Choir 的 創始⼈、「⾹港作曲家聯會」會員事務秘書及「⾹港作曲及作詞家協會」會員。在 1990 年⾄ 2017 年期間被委任 為「天主教⾹港教區聖樂團」之指揮,及聖樂培育課程指揮 科導師。2012 年⾄ 2019 年擔任「⾹港⾳樂專科學校合唱團》指揮,並於 2018 年⾄ 2022 年擔任「⾹港恒⽣⼤學⼩交響樂團」指揮及無伴奏合唱團導師。 

阮⽒在 2013 年獲取「⾹港藝術發展局」的贊助,由「⾹港作曲家聯會」出版了她的九 聲部無伴奏合唱作品樂譜,並同期出版了她於 2010 年為管弦樂及多聲部合唱創作 的⼤型作品《哀歌》的⾳樂光碟。《哀歌》還被挑選於 2013 年五⽉在捷克布拉格舉⾏ 的國際作曲家論壇播放,備受來⾃⼆⼗⼋個國家的⾳樂節主持⼈及作曲家推崇。她 創作的另⼀⾸作品《⿓之祭》於同年⼋⽉在韓國濟州島舉⾏的第⼗六屆「國際⼿鈴研 討會」中⾸演,由六百多名⼿鈴樂⼿⼀同演奏。此作品由「⾹港⼿鈴藝術協會」委約, 「⾹港作曲及作詞家協會」贊助,並由 H’ing Publishing 及「⾹港⼿鈴藝術協會」出版 樂譜。 

其近作由澳⾨天主教⽂化協會委約,為⼥⾼⾳及管⾵琴創作的《聖⺟哀悼曲》剛於本 年五⽉於澳⾨聖若瑟修院聖堂作世界⾸演;另由澳⾨聖庇護⼗世⾳樂學院委約的鋼 琴組曲《籠牢》於本年七⽉由澳⾨天主教教區出版;⼀⾸由⼆部童聲合唱、⼥⾼⾳、 弦樂及鋼琴演譯的作品《JESU CHRISTE》亦在七⽉於澳⾨聖庇護⼗世⾳樂學院 60 週 年校慶中作世界⾸演。


Orchestral Music

  • Libera Me《主!拯救我》 (2008)   10’45” for Solo Baritone, Solo Treble Voice and Orchestra

  • Lamentor《哀歌》(Three movements)   (2011)   14’05” for Choir and Orchestra

  1. First Movement:     Darkness Shrouded

  2. Second Movement:  Grant Them Everlasting Rest

  3. Third Movement:   Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them

  • 第一樂章:  黑暗濃罩大地

  • 第二樂章:  求賜他們永遠的安息

  • 第三樂章:  以永恆的光亮照耀他們

Chamber Music (Western instrument)

  • Awakening I Abyss  覺醒 第一章 混沌 (2007)    4’30” for Flute (+Alto Flute) / Clarinet in Bb (Bass Clarinet in Bb) / Violin / Cello / Piano

  • Awakening II Vagabond  覺醒 第二章 蹢躅 (2007)    5’30” for Clarinet, Horn, Cello, Piano, Percussion

  • Awakening III Renaissance   覺醒 第三章《再生》 (2009)  7’40” for Flute (+ Alto Flute), Clarinet (+ Bass Clarinet), Horn, Cello, Piano, Percussion

  • String Quartet  《弦樂四重奏》 (2008)   6’30”

  • Via Dolorosa  《苦路》  (2012)   8’30” for Clarinet (+Bass Clarinet).Cello. Piano with Bass-Baritone Vocalist

  • Behind Prosperity  《繁華背後》(2012)   1’ for Cello and Piano

  • On that Unforgettable Day……   《那年、那月、那日》  (2012)   2’ for Cello and Piano

  • Cut Grass  (2012)   6’ for Lyric Baritone, Violin, and Piano

Chamber Music (Mixed)

  • Viola 阮  (2010)   8’30” for Viola and four Zhong Ruans

  • Chamber Music (Chinese instrument)

  • Chanting  《吟》 (2009)    6’30” for 2 Erhus, Zhonghu, Zheng (+ Female Voice), Cello (+Male Voice)

  • Episodes…  《片斷》...  (2012)   6’30” for Dongxiao, Zheng, Zhonghu

Voice, A cappella and Choral

  • Nostalgia 《茫》 (2008)   8’20” for Nine-part A cappella

  • On a Sleepless Night 《不寐倦長更》 (2010)   6’13” for Nine-part A cappella and Chinese Bamboo Flute

  • Village Dance  《舞曲》 (2010)   15’17” for Nine-part A cappella and Erhu

  • Mass  《彌撒曲》(2010)    15’

  • Kyrie,  Sanctus,  Agnus Dei

  • 《垂憐頌;歡呼頌;羔羊頌》for mixed choir (SSAATTBB) and solo cello

  • Lullaby  《安眠曲》  (2010)   7’20” for Mezzo Soprano and Bass Clarinet

  • Eddies  《渦流》 (2011)   7’13” for Nine-part A cappella (with microphone and reverberation)

  • Whispering Voice Beyond the Horizon   《地平線以外の低語聲》 (2012)   6’ for Solo Handbells, Handchimes, Handbells Ensemble (six players+Human Voices) , and one back-stage Singer, with wireless microphone and reverberation

Multi-Media Music

  • Living With Despair  《惘 . 生》  (2008)   9’08” for Solo Soprano, Bass Clarinet and pre-recorded tape

  • An Old House by a Lonely Track 《纜車徑旁的一所老房子》 (2009)   10’30” A multi-media composition with nine-part A cappella, with microphone, reverberation, and a solo dancer

  1. A Voice from My Secret Garden     幽微之音 

  2. Reminiscence  憶

  3. A Way Out …  出路…

  • Longing…  《依依…》 (2010)   18’ A multi-media music in Three acts for Flute(+Alto Flute), Oboe, Clarinet (+Bass Clarinet), Cello, Piano, Female Singer, Male Dancer (with microphone, reverberation), Lighting and Staging

  • A Story Beyond the Horizon   《地平線上另一端的一個故事》 (2011)   10’30” for Dongxiao, Female Voice, Percussion and a Female Dancer, with microphone and reverberation

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