【聲影集:映照香港 SOUND-IMAGination: Hong Kong Reflections】
//特寫 Feature//
Leung Ka-tung Tony's Photograph
I. Q&A
1) How did the image inspire you to write this piece?
The image is like one scene of a film. I tried to imagine a story that could be drawn from it. The colour and the intensity of the image have a direct impact on the musical language.
2) How does your piece correlate with the visual image?
The silhouettes against subtle, darker shades suggest an atmosphere of mystery and isolation. Night is falling. Equipped with walking stick and backpack, will these men reach their destination before dark? Even with the uncertainty, the four instruments sing their interwoven lines calmly as if the travelers are discussing which way to go, before a regular pulse develops.
3) All visual elements of this concert, which served as the initial inspiration for the composers, will be projected on screen during the performance. What is the difference between composing with and without a specified visual image?
A specific visual image establishes an intentional reference between audience and composer. The composer decides how the two art forms intersect. It can be enriching for both the creation process and experiencing the creation.
II. About the Composer - Leung Ka-tung Tony

Favorite sound: Rain stick and bass gong together
Favorite composer/ music: J.S. Bach for counterpoint
Favorite visual artist/ artwork: Claude Monet for impressionism